
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Burr Ridge Community Consolidated School District 180 Board of Education met Sept. 16

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Burr Ridge Community Consolidated School District met Monday, Sept. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order/ Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance

Member Mihalkanin motioned, Member McCormack second the motion to approve Helen Bell as President Pro Tem in the absence of Paula DuPont. Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack and Mihalkanin, Absent was: Dupont, Perkins, and Williams President pro tem Bell called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was made and the following members answered present: Ayes: Members, Frankel, McCormack and Mihalkanin, Absent was: Dupont, Perkins, and Williams. Also present were Dr. Thomas Schneider, Superintendent, Veronica Davis, Recording Secretary, Renata Butauskiene and Marilyn Burr, AMJES Paraprofessionals, Chelsea Iraola, AMJES Teacher, Tracy Ritchey, AMJES Principal, Wendy William, BRMS Nurse Aide, Krystal Vanterpool, Marquita Harris and Gina Tarnowski, CCSD 180 Parents: Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack and Mihalkanin, Absent was: Dupont, Perkins, and Williams

Motion Carried

Member Williams arrived at 6:01pm

Member Perkins arrived at 6:02pm

Member Frankel motioned, Member McCormack seconded the motion to open the public hearing on the FY 20 District Budget. The tentative budget anticipates a shortfall; the district has included a variety of large expenditures (i.e. AMJES Air Conditioning, AMJES Addition and Renovation) and a loss of revenue from State sources including pre-school grant monies as well as a drop in enrollment. Additionally, we have been very conservative in regards to state and federal aid receipts based upon the State’s funding formula which flat funds our district moving forward. The budget also includes expenditures for many of the academic programs (i.e. after school, Saturday school, etc.).

Members of the public were then given an opportunity to offer public comment on the budget and the hearing was brought to a close Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack, Mihalkanin Perkins, and Williams, Absent was: Dupont, Member McCormack motioned, Member Mihalkanin seconded the motion to close the public hearing on the FY 20 District Budget. There were no public comments on the FY 18 budget. Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack, Mihalkanin Perkins, and Williams, Absent was: Dupont, 

Member Frankel motioned, Member Mihalkanin seconded the motion of the approval of the FY 20 Budget and Compensation Report. Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack, Mihalkanin Perkins, and Williams, Absent was: Dupont,

Roll Call 6:04 p.m.

Closed Session

A. Member Frankel motioned, Member Mihalkanin seconded motion to enter into closed session at 6:10 pm, regarding Board of Education self-evaluation, and regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity and regarding collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, student disciplinary cases and other exclusions as permitted by State law and board policy (2:200) A roll call of the motion showed the Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack, Mihalkanin Perkins, and Williams, Absent was: Dupont Perkins did not participate in closed.

A special meeting for Monday, October 7th at 6PM at the BRMS Band room to formally appoint a Board Member was established. Member Frankel motioned, Member McCormack seconded the motion of approval of the August 12, 2019 Closed Session Meeting Minutes and that they be kept confidential. Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack, Mihalkanin and Williams, Absent was: Dupont

Motion Carried

Member Williams motioned, Member Frankel seconded the motion of the acceptance of the resignation of Board Member Kelli Perkins effective September 3, 2019. Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack, Mihalkanin and Williams, Absent was: Dupont

Motion Carried

Consent Agenda

Member Frankel motioned, Member Williams seconded the motion to approve of the consent agenda items A through N require only one motion and roll call vote for approval. A board member may request that any item be removed from the list to be discussed separately. The Consent Agenda items include approval of the August 12, 2019 Board of Education meeting; the interim bills and paid accounts payable in the amount of $223,461.24 (See the Bills and Disbursement Summary Sheet document for the grand total); July-August 2019 P-Card Disbursements in the amount of $5,009.87 and total September 2019 bills and disbursements in the amount of $1,021,462.78.

The consent agenda also includes the approval of the:

--disposal of obsolete team uniforms,

--Academic Achiever staff with assignments pending,

BRMS Academic Achievers:

Scott Reinhart

Victor Hernandez

Steve Thanos

Emily Bufka

Elizabeth Sauers

Megan Bloyd

Alisha LaCassa

Kanisha Davis

Alison Pitlock

Jane Wiorkowski

Shernel Davis (parapro)

--waiving of the second reading an approval of the adoption of Board Policy 5:35 related to the designation of the work week schedule,

--AMJES Kindergarten Art Club (Stripnieks) and Fit Club (Fowler), Student Club (Hudson and Doyle), and additional Before School Supervision (Livingston) beginning retroactively to September 5, 2019 for the 2019-2020 school year,

--the Review of Board Policy 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment and Board Policy 4-190 Targeted School Violence

Prevention Program,

--employment of Katherine Brtva as the AMJES school cook,

--the BRMS HVAC service agreement with Trane from 2019-2022,

--of the Head Start agreement with Metropolitan Family Services for the 2019-20 school year, and,

--the resignation of ESP Paraprofessional Aide Emily VanderLaan.

Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack, Mihalkanin and Williams, Absent was: Dupont

Motion Carried

Roll Call 6:59 pm

Notices and Communications

A. Newspaper/Journal Articles

a. National and Illinois Related Articles

The Superintendent provided the board with a copy of the most recent public survey of Public Perceptions of Public Schools for review. This summary is of the Phi Delta Kappan annual survey and this year is the publication's 51st year conducting this survey.

b. Burr Ridge Education Related Information

The Board was informed of the success of one of our recent graduates (and current Hinsdale South student) Josh Hargrove. He has been selected to serve on the Illinois State Board of Education advisory board as one of their student representatives. This information also has been reported in the Doings.

B. Legislative/LEND Correspondence

C. Regional Office of Education (ROE) Correspondence

D. State Organization Correspondence (ISBE/IASB)

a. Illinois KIDS Testing Result

The Board was informed that the State released the results of the kindergarten testing that took place at the beginning of last year. This is only the first year of the testing and what it found was that 25 percent of kindergarten students across the state were not ready for kindergarten.

The Illinois Kindergarten Readiness for the state indicates that 26 percent of students exhibited readiness in all 3 developmental areas. At Anne M Jeans, 19 percent of kindergarten students exhibited readiness in all 3 developmental areas.

E. Village of Burr Ridge Correspondence

The Board briefly went over a letter regarding a change in addresses for locations that use the county prefix as part of their address. They then went over the second letter received, which state that the consideration is no longer valid.

F. SASED Correspondence

The Board was provided a copy of SASED’s most recent SASED meeting notes along with the monthly SASED Executive Report.

G. Superintendent Correspondence

The Superintendent shared with the Board a Thank you letter from Holy Cross Church and Friends of St. Malachy for the donation of 60 used desk that the district were trying to dispose of this summer.

a. The Board also reviewed the Teachers of Palisades (teacher union) list of officers for the 2019-2020 school year.

H. Freedom of Information Act Request

The District received two Freedom of Information Act request since last Board meeting. The District responded to the request in a timely matter. The requests were both from someone looking to find out how much we pay for special transportation services.

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Schneider presented information on the following topics:

A. Improving Student Achievement

a. PTO and Parent Activities

Dr. Schneider expressed the hope that the district can build upon the success our PTO has had in the previous years. In the Interim both building principals are working to assist students and families new to the district. On September 20th a New Student and Family

Breakfast will be hosted at BRMS.

b. Community Partners Information

The Board was informed of the success of the recent Community Connections event. At this event PACE continued their efforts to gather information related to establishment of bus service in our area. Several residents also took the opportunity to express concerns related to the apartment complex management.

c. Registration and Student Enrollment Information 2019-2020

The Board reviewed the 2019-20 school year student registration/ back to school day success and was informed of the district’s enrollment numbers.

B. Creating a safe and productive school climate

a. Anne M. Jeans Pedestrian Traffic

The Board reviewed the district progress with working with the DuPage County Transportation Commissioners to install a crosswalk from Jaime Lane to AMJES. The Districts work has been a success because the day of the Board Meeting the Superintendent was informed that the Du Page is planning to install a crosswalk soon.

b. Support of Gower School District 62 Efforts Regarding Sterigenics.

The Board was informed of the district efforts to monitor the situation with sterigenics while working with other local school districts to determine an appropriate response. Dr. Schneider has joined a group of superintendents in signing a letter to commit to further monitoring.

C. Serving the needs of all of our students

a. Alumni – Led Medical Careers and Health Education Program

The Board was informed that one of BRMS Alumni Gabby Kael (nee: Dupont) who leads the Underserved Medicine Club at Midwestern Medical would be at the school to present to out fifth graders.

b. Acknowledging Exemplary Alumni Program

The Board was informed of Veronica Davis’ progress in this program and they also reviewed a drafted poster she created for the Alumni nominated last year.

c. Student Enrollment and English Language Learners

The Board reviewed the 2019-2020 SY student enrollments, which seems to be a bit down from last year. The Board also looked at the information provided indicating that our English Language Learner (EL) numbers have increased this school year.

d. JCS Du Page Foundation Grant and Dancing Drum

The Board was informed that next week (September 23rd) the district would have an artist-in residence, the Dancing Drum provided by JCS Arts, Health and Education Fund of the Du Page Foundation.

D. Efficient Management Practices.

a. Donation to District Information

Dr. Schneider continues to keep the Board updated in regards to his communication with Erin Fichtelberg (the last known representative of the foundation and former board member) about a donation that is giving to the board by Praxair.

b. NAFIS and Impact Aid Information

The Board was updated related to securing Impact Aid funds and the Superintendent’s involvement with FLISA and NAFIS this month. The Board also continues to express their support of the Superintendent’s candidacy to be the next FLISA Executive Director and approved the Superintendent’s participation and invitation to speak at the National Indian Impacted Schools Association winter meeting. The Board also approved travel arrangements for the January FLISA and NAFIS Board meetings.

c. Facilities and Maintenance Update and Planning

The Board reviewed the information from last meeting that the district’s architect has been charged with the task to find a way to re-work the area behind AMJES so that the retention pond does not take up so much area. The district is searching for a way to make the most of what we have and still contain, on our property, rainwater as required by code. The Board also reviewed the plans for a large electric sign to be installed at AMJES to assist with the publication of the district’s community partners.

Administrative Reports

A. Anne M. Jeans and Burr Ridge Middle School The Board reviewed the August and September district wide newsletter.

B. Attendance, Lunch and Student Discipline Reports

There were 2 district-wide student suspension referrals (10 BRMS and 10 AMJES) for 2 students (1 BRMS and 1 AMJES) since our prior Board of Education meeting.

The administration is not recommending any further disciplinary action for any of these suspended students. Additionally, no parent requested an appeal of a suspension. As no further action is requested this information (and the information from the attached SSC reports from each school) will serve as a summary to the Board of Education.

Public Participation/Hearing of Petitions

The floor was open to public participation and there was none at the time.

Current Business

A. Improving Student Achievement

B. Creating a safe and productive school climate

C. Serving the Needs of All of Our Students

D. Efficient management practices


A. September 23, 2019--Late Start Day (Both Schools) Students Arrive at 9:35 a.m.

B. October 8, 2019--Community Connections Night at AMJES at 6 p.m.

C. October 14, 2019--Schools and Offices Closed (Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day)

D. October 28, 2019---Late Start Day (Both Schools) Students Arrive at 9:35 a.m.

E. November 4, 2019--Board of Education Meeting BRMS Band Room (6:00 p.m.)


Member McCormack motioned, Member Frankel seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm. A roll call of the motion showed the following Ayes: Members, Bell, Frankel, McCormack, Mihalkanin and Williams, Absent was: Dupont

Motion Carried
