
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ives Calls Out Crony Capitalist Casten

Jeanne ives

Issued the following announcement on Nov. 15.

In a Facebook video this afternoon, Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) proudly declared his support for the reauthorization of the institutionally-corrupt Export-Import Bank. 

Jeanne Ives, Republican candidate for Congress (IL-06), responded saying: “Sean Casten values subsidizing his corporate allies so much that he is willing to prop up a government entity that was described in 2008 as ‘little more than a fund for corporate welfare’ by then-Senator Barack Obama on the campaign trail. And though, as president, he changed his tune, the “corporate welfare” charge still stands.  Some 60 percent of the bank’s financing goes to only ten large corporations.  

“And the largest single recipient is the communist-run government of China through state-owned banks, manufacturers, airlines and other state-owned companies. 

“Sean Casten’s vote to renew its charter is indicative of his values: Crony Capitalist Allies over the independent businesses and manufacturers in the Sixth District.

“There are many problems with the Ex-Im Bank that, when considered, render reauthorization a bad idea. The bank is institutionally corrupt, expensive for taxpayers, unnecessary and a large purveyor of corporate welfare.  Casten’s support only ensures that these problems grow worse. 

“Democrats are hypocrites on this issue. They claim to be for the little guy. They say they oppose corporate greed. Then they pass regulations and unfunded mandates on small businesses and give large corporations and big banks handout after bailout. I saw it in Springfield. The same happens in Washington. 

“As a state representative, I fought against crony bailouts for politically-connected corporations and I exposed the scams being run on taxpayers. I am going to Congress to do the same. Unlike my opponent, I will deny the EX-IM Bank the unlimited right to engage in corruption, cronyism and bad investments. The people of the Sixth District do not deserve to be sold down the river by Crony Capatialist Casten.”