City of Wood Dale Community Development Commission met Sept. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
Present: Ron Damasco, Brad Karich, Richard Petersen, Dave Shimanek, George Vant, Dave Woods
Absent: Rick St. Marie
Also Present: Gosia Pociecha, Attorney Sean Conway, Attorney Ronald S. Cope, Michael A. Wolin, Steve Lenet, Nazar Skpupskyj, Blagoy Shterev, Arnold Rubin, Yolanda Gospodnva, Ald. Eugene Wesley
Meeting Convened at: 7:00 P.M
Chairman Brad Karich called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken and a quorum was present.
Mr. Shimanek made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 19, 2019 meeting; the motion was seconded by Mr. Petersen and unanimously approved as presented via voice vote.
CASE NO. 2019-CDC-09
Floor Pros., LLC is requesting a Special Use and Major Site Plan Review to permit the operation of a carpet, rug and linoleum store. The subject property is located at 1450 N. Wood Dale Rd. The property is improved with an existing one-story commercial building and parking lot and is currently zoned C-2General Commercial.
At the August CDC meeting, the Public Hearing under this case was continued to this September CDC meeting per the applicant’s request. However, again acting upon petitioner’s request, Mr. Shimanek made a motion, seconded by Mr. Petersen, to continue the hearing once again until the November CDC meeting. The motion was unanimously approved as presented via voice vote. Motion carried. Mr. Woods requested that staff re-post the sign announcing the Public Hearing so that anyone interested in this case will be aware of the new hearing date. In addition, staff will direct a letter to the petitioner requesting information regarding his future plans for this project and his reasons for seeking another continuance.
CASE NO. 2019-CDC-07
Trust 1186 Partnership is requesting a Text Amendment to Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code, the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The purpose of the text amendment is to modify Section 17.903 Allowed Uses by adding “motor vehicle repair facility for commercial motor vehicles” to be designated as a special use within the Corporate Main Street subarea of the Thorndale Corridor Corporate Overlay District.
Ms. Pociecha provided background information for the two cases to be considered. The requests for the text amendment and the special use (to be considered later) were submitted by the property owners at 885 Lively Blvd. is zoned Corporate Main Street (CMS) subarea of the Thorndale Corridor Corporate (TCC) District Overlay with underlying I-1 (Light Industrial). This request for a text amendment has become necessary because of a change in the building’s tenant. The applicant is proposing a Text Amendment to allow a commercial truck repair as a special use within the Corporate Main Street subarea of the TCC overlay District. Currently, uses falling under this use category are permitted only within the I-1 Light Industrial, I-2 Industrial districts and C-3 Automotive Services (passenger vehicles only). She explained further that while this use does not meet the intent of the Corporate Main Street subarea where the predominant uses would include office, retail and supporting services, the area was developed and remains an industrial park with predominantly industrial uses. Representatives of petitioner were in attendance and attested to the fact that, while a truck repair use within the Corporate Main Street does not meet the intent of this subarea per the 2009 Master Plan, it may be considered consistent with the Comprehensive Plan which recognizes the difficulties for redevelopment of this subarea in current market conditions. Additionally, they explained that there has not been nor will there be any outside storage of vehicles or equipment, that all repair work is done inside the building, there is no obtrusive signage on the building and would, therefore, not have a negative impact on the area in general. Mr. Blagoy Shterev, a tenant in another building in the area was in attendance and expressed his support of this text amendment. Mr. Woods stated his opposition, citing the fact that development of the UDO was a costly project and should not be put aside in considering this request.
Mr. Vant made a motion that based on the proposed text amendment to the UDO, as summarized in the staff memo, I move that the Community Development Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed text amendment to allow a Motor Vehicle Repair Facility for Commercial Vehicles as a Special Use in the Corporate Main Street subarea of the Thorndale Corridor Corporate Overlay District in Sec. 17.903 in Case No. 2019-CDC-07. Mr. Shimanek seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Mr. Shimanek, Mr. Vant, Mr. Petersen, Mr. Damasco, Mr. Karich
Nays: Mr. Woods
Abstain: None
Motion carries.
CASE NO. 2019-CDC-08
Trust 1186 Partnership, owner of the property located at 885 Lively, is requesting a Special Use and Major Site Plan Review to permit the operation of a motor vehicle repair facility for commercial motor vehicles. The petition is contingent upon approval of the requested Text Amendment as described above in Case No. 2019-CDC-07. As described in that case, the site is zoned Corporate Main Street (CMS) subarea of the Thorndale Corridor Corporate (TCC) District Overlay with underlying I-l (Light Industrial) zoning. The one-story brick commercial building and surface parking is located on a 0.78- acre site. The building’s former tenant performed snow removal for O’Hare Airport and included maintenance and repair of their vehicles for twenty-six years. This request for a text amendment and special use has become necessary because of a change in the building’s tenant. Staff reiterated the information presented at the Public Hearing conducted in conjunction with this request as did representatives of the petitioner. Mr. Nazar Skrupskyj was in attendance and expressed his support of this request.
Mr. Karich made a motion that based on the submitted petition and the testimony presented, the proposed Special Use and Major Site Plan Review meets the standards of approval and is consistent with the UDO and Comprehensive Plan; therefore, I move that the Community Development Commission adopt the findings of fact included within the staff memo as the findings of the Community Development Commission, and recommend to the City Council approval of the Special Use request to operate a vehicle repair facility for commercial vehicles at 885 Lively Blvd. in Case No. 2019-CDC-08. Mr. Vant seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Ayes: Mr. Vant, Mr. Petersen, Mr. Shimanek, Mr. Damasco, Mr. Karich
Nays: Mr. Woods
Abstain: None
Motion: Passed
Ms.Pociecha reminded Commissioners of the Special Meeting to be held on September 30th.
Mr. Shimanek motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 P.M.; the motion was seconded by Mr. Damasco and was unanimously approved via voice vote.