
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met October 21

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Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met Oct. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to order, roll call

2. Consideration to approve the minutes of the October 7, 2019 Finance & Policy Committee meeting

3. Audience input regarding agenda items before the committee

4. Discussion of accounts payable

5. Consideration of an Ordinance approving a real estate contract with Pulte Home Company, LLC for real property located at 555 N. Lombard Road (the former Driscoll School site). Memorandum attached (page 8)

6. Consideration of semi-final payout request #3 and reduction of retainage in the amount of $218,947.64 to Brothers Asphalt Paving Inc. for the 2019 MFT Project; funding from account #250.9925-4401 and #250.9925-4459. Memorandum attached (page 30)

7. Consideration of a Resolution further amending the compensation system for the Village of Addison employees. Memorandum attached (page 44)

8. Consideration of an Ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the Village Code to decrease the number of Class “D” liquor licenses for La Scarpetta Inc. d/b/a Scrap Yard at 1570 W. Lake Street #104. Memorandum attached (page 47)

9. Audience participation

10. Executive Session if needed

11. Other business, at the discretion of the Chairman

12. Adjournment
