
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bensenville School District 2 Board of Education met October 2

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Bensenville School District 2 Board of Education met Oct. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President, Bob Laudadio called the committee of the whole meeting of Bensenville Elementary School District 2 Board of Education, DuPage County to order at 6:31 p.m., at Educational Administration Center, 210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, Illinois.

Roll call verified that there was a quorum of the Board present.

A motion was made by Mrs. Krajecki and seconded by Mr. Stitgen that the Board of Education approve the agenda as presented. Upon voice vote, all board members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Hearing of Delegations ~ none

Administrative Reports 

A. Curriculum

1. School Improvement Plans 2019-20 – Dr. Dugan reported that the principals will report on the school improvement plans at the October board meeting. Dr. Dugan distributed a handout which covered definitions of accountability – summative designations, 2019 official designation indicators an example of designation indicators and an explanation of school designations. And item statistics. She also noted that the State test is only in English.

B. Community Relations

1. Portrait of a Graduate – Dr. Stelter reported that on 10/1 the first session of Portrait of a Graduate went very well. All three board are very well represented. The committee accomplished a lot and the team will assemble a sub-committee to narrow down the recommendations. The next meeting will be held on 10/22/2019 at 5:30 p.m. dinner – 6:00 p.m. meeting.

2. Strategic Plan Update

• Dr. Stelter reported that the Community Engagement committee met and had good conversations. A policy question may be brought to the board for review regarding Data Retention; pertaining to parent communication platforms across grade levels.

• Dr. Stelter also reported that the School Climate Grant has been awarded to District

2 in the amount of $750,000 per year for five years or $3.8 million in total. This grant can be used on staff for MTSS.

C. Professional Development

1. Triple I Conference – Stelter, Dugan, Stoltman, Laudadio, Snyder, Novack, McCullough

2. NSBA Conference – Dr. Stelter reported that the conference will be held Friday, April 3, 4, 5, & 6, 2020 in Chicago @ McCormick Place. Please let Cindy know if you would like to attend.

D. Facilities

1. Science Classroom Update – Mr. Novack showed drawings of potential remodel of science classrooms. Mr. Laudadio asked that pricing be checked on roof top units rather than uninvent units for the classrooms. He reported that if the Board chooses to update the science classrooms during summer 2020, asbestos cleanup would be done during spring break (March 30 – April 3, 2020).

2. School Signage Update – Mr. Novack reported that he does not have quotes yet from D&R on the school signs. The board requested that electric signs be looked into. Mr. McCullough also brought up the idea of iBeacon as a way to notify parents.

E. Finance

1. Review of Accounts Payable – Mr. Novack reported that the accounts payable are not ready for review at this time. New Business – none

Closed session – none


At 7:36 p.m. a motion was made by Mr. Stitgen and seconded by Mr. Stoltman that the Board of Education adjourn the meeting.

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Stitgen, Stoltman, Krajecki, Laudadio, McCullough, Vitellaro 

Nay: none

Absent: Constante

Motion Carried.

No further business appearing Mr. Laudadio adjourned the meeting at 7:36 p.m.
