
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Burr Ridge Community Consolidated School District 180 Board of Education met July 15


Burr Ridge Community Consolidated School District 180 Board of Education met July 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


President DuPont called the meeting to order at 6:02pm


Roll call was made and the following members answered present: A YES: Members, Dupont, Mihalkanin, Perkins, and Williams Absent was: Bell, Frankel and McCormack. Also present were Dr. Thomas Schneider, Superintendent, Veronica Davis, Recording Secretary,. : A YES: Members, Dupont, Mihalkanin, Perkins, and Williams Absent was: Bell, Frankel and McCormack



Member Perkins motioned, Member Williams seconded the motion to approve of the consent agenda items A through Q require only one motion and roll call vote for approval. May 20, 2019 Board of Education meeting; the interim bills $288,172.69 and paid accounts payable in the amount of $496,533.10 (See the Bills and Disbursement Summary Sheet document for the grand total); May-June 2019 P-Card Disbursements in the amount of $6,408.41 and total June 2019 bills and disbursements in the amount of $1,165,376.78.

The consent agenda also includes the approval of:

--renewal of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Dental Insurance rates for 2019-2020, --publication of the summer 2019 Belltower Bulletin,

--2019-2021 Board of Education meeting calendar,

--2019-2020 Organization chart,

-- policy required appointments for the 2019-2020 school year:

o Extends authority to the administration to hire temporary substitutes for the district;  

o Extends authority to the administration to remove students for ten (10) days or less for violation of school rules and other misconduct;

o Designates BRMS Principal Julie Bartell as the Title IX Grievance Officer for the District;

o Designates BRMS Principal Julie Bartell as District Nondiscrimination Coordinator;

o Designates the following two (2) complaint managers for sexual harassment or sexual discrimination issues: BRMS Principal Julie Bartell and Superintendent Dr. Tom Schneider;

o Designates Part-Time Financial Director Dr. Ben Nowakowski and Food Service Director Asha Wilks to be in charge of food sales that compete with the federal student lunch program;

o Designates the following as Student Activity Fund Managers with Dr. Ben Nowakowski supervising the accounts:

 -AMJES: Building Principal Tracy Ritchey

 -BRMS: Building Principal Julie Bartell

 o Designates Part-Time Financial Director Dr. Ben Nowakowski as Chief Investment Officer;

o Designates Tenika Pickens as District liaison to homeless children;

o Designates the following as responsible and in charge in the event that the Superintendent is unavailable or unable to act in an emergency situation (in succession):

BRMS Principal Julie Bartell, AMJES Principal Tracy Ritchey (with assistance from Dr. Ben Nowakowski, if available),

--Children's Internet Protection Act compliance,

--proposed amendments to the DuPage/West Cook Regional Special Education Association Intergovernmental Agreement,

--following extra-curricular positions as presented:

Athletic CBA positions:

JV Girls Volleyball (Bazon), Varsity Girls Volleyball (Bazon), Cross-Country (A. LaCassa, Oglesby), Cheerleading (Wiorkowski), JV and Varsity Boys Basketball (M. LaCassa), JV Girls Basketball (Sebo), Varsity Girls Basketball (Sebo), Wrestling (Hudson and Degenhart), Girls Softball (Sebo, Werderitch), Track (Owens) Athletic Directors (M. LaCassa, Sebo), Girls on the Run (Radtke, Werderitch)

and the approval of CBA Extra-curricular activities

Art Club (Yates), Band (Collins), Choir* (Brockman), Environmental Club (Drain), NJHS (Carmignani), Science Olympiad (Jaczak, Oglesby), Snowflake (Werderitch), BRMS Student Council (Drain, Werderitch), AMJES Student Council (McCarthy), BRMS Lunch Duty (Hudson),

and the approval of Non-CBA co-curricular activities

 --Basketball Club (Grade 2)--Crafton

 --Before School Program (K-4)--Crafton

 --Intramural Sports Club (Grades 3-4)--Crafton

 --Reading/LA Boost (Grade 1)--Snyder

 --Math/LA Boost (Grade 1)--Sarmiento

 --Fall Garden Club (Grades 1-4)--Weil

--Spring Garden Club (Grades 1-4)--Weil

--Holiday Carol Club (Grades 2-4)--Roper

--Art Club (Grades 3-4)--Livingston

--Cooking Club (Grade 3)--Livingston

--Game Club (Grades 1-2)--Livingston

--Math/LA Boost (Grade 2)--Patzin

--Readers' Theatre/Drama (Grade 1)--Luther

--Young Writers' Club (Grades 1-2)--Lottie

--STEM Club (Grades 3-4)--Tice

--Girl Scouts (Grade 1)--Galvin

--Kindness Club (Grades 2-4)--Donoval

--Saturday School--Williams

--Game Club BRMS--Doyle and Hudson

--Fandom BRMS--Deckinga

--Open Gym--Owens

--PE Leader--Owens

--Student Ambassador--Sansone and A. LaCassa

--Flag Football--M. LaCassa

--Basketball Skills--M. LaCassa

--Bowling Club--Hernandez


Musical/Review (Collins and Brockman) and Open Mic Show (Collins and Brockman)

 The creation of and appointment of the BRMS Bus Supervisors (Bell and Kubiat- Jefferson),

The appointment of Carol Collins and Victor Hernandez as BRMS Lead teachers, The appointment of Mentor Assignments as included on attached listing, and the approval of the athletic uniform schedule purchases for 2019-2020,

 The creation of and appointment of the BRMS Bus Supervisors (Bell and Kubiat-Jefferson),

 --no more than $5,000 in additional overtime work for Veronica Davis in the completion of the initial alumni recognition program,

 --superintendent's membership in professional organizations, IASA and IASBO as well as the district's membership in LEND, National Association of Federally Impacted Schools Organization (NAFIS), Federal Lands Impacted Schools Association (FLISA) and Darien Rotary for 2019-20,

 --2019-20 Staff Handbook, Concussion Prevention and Treatment Handbook, Athletic Handbook and Student-Parent Handbook and Compact, and,

 --acceptance of the resignation of BRMS Math teacher Scott Hansen effective at the start of the 2019-2020 school year.

A YES: Members, Dupont, Mihalkanin, Perkins, and Williams Absent were: Bell, Frankel and McCormack



A. Newspaper/Journal Articles

a. National and Illinois Related Articles

Forbes- Board member Amanda Frankel shared with Dr. Schneider whom in turn shared with the Boar an article that discuss the importance of wealthy families choosing public schools over private schools. Interestingly the article stated that public schools are an investment. Student from wealthier demographics are able to receive an great education that the parents have already paid for.

b. Burr Ridge Education Related Information

B. Legislative/LENDCorrespondence

The Board briefly reviewed the Illinois State Legislature from early June. For our District there will not be any major changes. The District will continue to monitor the mandated consolidation and property tax freeze study group. The Board also reviewed the District’s attorneys’ outline on how the marijuana legalization will not really impact our schools or our employment practices. The Board also reviewed the re- institution of the 6% cap for end of the year raises.

C. State Organization Correspondence (ISBE/IASB)

D. Du Page County Correspondence (ROE)

a. Timely Meaningful Consultation Information

The Board was informed that the District has completed its required outreach to non public schools, which may enroll district residents as required by Federal Title (ESSA). As of July 11th there had been no non public school responses to said outreach.

b. 5Essential Summary

The Board reviewed the results of the 5Essentials Survey along with both building principals interpretation of those results. Both schools were recognized as “Organized.”

E. Village of Burr Ridge Correspondence

F. SASED Correspondence

The Board was provided a copy of SASED’s June 2019 Executive Director Report as well as the DuPage –West Cook quarterly meeting notes.

G. Superintendent Correspondence.

a. Community Member Communication

The Board reviewed communications from a member of the community and agreed with and offered support to the administration’s response to these concerns.

b. Thank You Correspondence

The Board reviewed a thank you letter from Kristen Drain or her 20year recognition last month. The Board also reviewed a thank you letter with some l lovely photos from Nicole Winkelmann thanking the Board for sending over a welcoming gift for their firstborn child at the end of the school year.

c. Superintendent Schedule

Dr. Schneider shared with the Board his upcoming vacation schedule.

d. TOP Leadership for 2019-2020

The Board was informed that the TOP for the 2019-20 school year will remain the same with no changes in officers.

H. Freedom of Information Act Request

a. The District received one Freedom of Information Act request since last Board

meeting. The District responded to the request in a timely matter. The request was from a local union requesting FOIA officer’s contact information.


Superintendent Schneider presented information on the following topics: A. Improving Student Achievement

a. PTO and Parent Activities

Dr. Schneider thanked Kelli Perkins for her hard work during the 2018-19 SY and also let her know of his excitement for the things to come.

b. Community Partners Information

The Board reviewed SAMs would be hosting their community health care specialty clinic on Saturdays. Willowbrook Corner sponsored a “Start of Summer BBQ.” The Board was also informed that in late May Rebecca Perkaus resigned from Community House

c. JCS DuPage Grant Award

The Board was informed that the District will receive 25K from the JCS fund for our music program.

d. New Staff Summer 2019 Professional Development

The Board was informed that our normal New Staff Orientation that we have

every year will be a bit different since we have very few new hires this coming school year.

e. Curriculum Development Information

The Board continues to review changes that the administration is examining in regards to the Promotion and Retention Program. The district may be able to offer students additional enrichment activities afterschool. The administration has been looking at personalized learning that would match to the students MAP scores and teacher recommendations.

1. Metacognition

2. Students to be specific and expressive

3. Teachers to learn about owe their students are thinking

4. Relationship building

5. Student Conferencing Protocol

 f. Registration and Summer Parent information 2019-20

The Board reviewed the 2019-20 school year registration flyer that will be sent to parents. The District has increased the number of proofs of residency from two to three to match our neighboring districts. The district will be ordering t- shirts again this year for the students that can be worn on the first day of school.

g. ESP Bonus Plan Information

The Board was informed that AMJES ESP staff will qualify for the awarding of our first ever Achievement Bonus as 60% of students met their projected RIT scores.

h. BRMS Career Day Information

The Board reviewed the BRMS end of the year career day and its success. There were 15 speakers that attended with the addition of Dr. Schneider discussing school governance.

B. Creating a safe and productive school climate a. Brochure Update

The Board reviewed the 2019-20 district brochure that has been updated for distribution on our website as well as to be shared with new residents of the HLT community as a part of their "Welcome Wagon" information. This information will be available at each building as well. There is very little change from last year

C. Serving the needs of all of our students a. Move to IESA Schedule 2019-2020

The Board continues to review information related to the athletic conference decision to move to a schedule that would allow schools to compete in both our athletic conference and IESA state tournaments. The TOP, Julie Bartell, and Dr. Schneider met on May 28th and all agreed to utilize the extra "tournament" language in the contract as it applies to weekend tournaments

D. Efficient Management Practices.

a. Summer Hours 2019

The Board reviewed the summer hours, which have been Monday through Thursday 7:30am -4:45pm, buildings closed on Fridays. The Board also reviewed the administration telecommute contract which has been working out well for administration.

b. Donation to District Information

Dr. Schneider continues to keep the Board updated in regards to his communication with Erin Fichtelberg (the last known representative of the foundation and former board member) about a donation that is giving to the board by Praxair.

c. NAFIS and Impact Aid Information

The Board was updated related to securing Impact Aid funds and the Superintendent’s involvement with FLISA and NAFIS this month. The Board also expressed support of the Superintendent’s candidacy to be the next FLISA Executive Director

d. Summer 2019 Facilities and Maintenance Update

The Board reviewed an update on the district facilities maintenance work that has taken this summer. The Board also reviewed the completion of the indoor lighting work that has taken place this summer at both buildings and the window replacement at BRMS. The Board was informed that the generator installation at AMJES will be completed prior to the start of the school year. The Board also was informed that the scoreboard installation at BRMS was completed as well.

e. Transportation Status Update

The Board was updated on the status Mr. Skip’s re-certification, which he has passed.

f. Approval and Display of FY 20 Tentative Budget

The Board reviewed FY 19 tentative budget and asked the Superintendent to make necessary preparations for the approval of the final budget at the August 12, 2019 Board of Education meeting.

g. Administrative Team Schedule Update

The Board reviewed the use of the administrations telecommuting days.


A. Anne M. Jeans and Burr Ridge Middle School

B. Attendance, Lunch and Student Discipline Reports

There were 2 district-wide student suspension referrals (1 BRMS and 1 AMJES) for 2 students (1 BRMS and 1 AMJES) since our prior Board of Education meeting.

The administration is not recommending any further disciplinary action for any of these suspended students. Additionally, no parent requested an appeal of a suspension. As no further action is requested this information (and the information from the attached SSC reports from each school) will serve as a summary to the Board of Education.


The floor was open to public participation and there was none at the time.


No Closed Session


A. Improving Student Achievement

a. Member Mihalkanin motioned, Member Williams seconded the motion of approval to accept the Superintendent’s evaluation for the 2018-19 school year. A YES: Members, Dupont, Mihalkanin, Perkins, and Williams Absent was: Bell, Frankel and McCormack


B. Creating a safe and productive school climate

C. Serving the Needs of All of Our Students

D. Efficient management practices


A. June 10, 2019--Begin Summer School and Office Hours (M-Th) 

B. June 10, 2019--Begin First Session of Summer School Program 

C. June 27, 2019--Last Day of First Session of Summer School

D. July 4, 2019--Schools and Offices Closed (Independence Day)

E. July 8, 2019--Begin Second Session of Sumer School Program

F. July 15, 2019--Board of Education Meeting BRMS Band Room--6PM

G. July 25, 2019--End Second Session of Summer School Program 

H. August 5, 2019--Resume School Year Hours (M-F)

I. August 12, 2019--Faculty In-Service Day at AMJES

J. August 12, 2019--Board of Education Meeting BRMS Band Room (6:00PM)

K. August 13, 2019--Welcome Back-Registration Day 11:00AM-6:00PM at AMJES L. August 15, 2019--First Day of Student Attendance (Full Day: 8:00AM-3:15PM)

M. August 26, 2019--Late Start Day (Both Schools) Students Arrive at 9:35AM N. September 2, 2019--Schools and District Offices Closed (Labor Day)


Member Mihalkanin motioned, Member Perkins seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:37 pm. A roll call of the motion showed the following contracting A YES: Members, Dupont, Bell, Frankel, and Mihalkanin Absent were: Members McCormack, Perkins, and Williams

