City of Wheaton Environmental Improvement Commission met Aug. 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order: Chairman Ted Witte called the meeting to order at 7:30.
Present were Cathy Coleman, Nancy Flynn, Kay McKeen, Tony Pope, David Popham, Christine Richardson, Allison Torrence, Carlo Treviso, and Bob Young. Absent were Shamili Ajgaonkar and Tony Majszak. Also present was Zach Popham, who needed to interview a municipal official for Boy Scouts, and interviewed Ted after the meeting.
II. Approval of Minutes:
Bob moved that the minutes from the July meeting be approved. Kay seconded. The minutes were approved.
III. Budget Report:
Bob reported that expenses to date totaled $17,062.65, leaving $4,437.35 open to spend. The $200 donation for environmental materials was given to the library.
IV. Public Comment:
V. Reports:
1. Electronic Recycling: Tony Pope reported that on August 10, he, Bob, and Tony Majszak worked in the commuter parking lot with volunteer Jim Truesdale and 4 workers from Eworks. The cars were steady with no backups. Confusion about what is accepted continues.
2. Adopt a Highway: ●Nancy Flynn reported that she, her husband Brent, Bob, Tony Pope, David and his son Alex cleaned on July 27, and they collected 6 bags. ●The Milton Township Democrats conducted a clean up on August 17. Eleven participants collected 8 trash and 4 recycle bags in two hours.
VI. Upcoming Projects:
1. Electronics Recycling: September 14 Allison will be crew chief. The event will probably be in the parking lot again.
2. Adopt a Highway: The fourth EIC clean up will be held on October 26, Make a Difference Day, from 8-9.
VII. Unfinished Business:
1. Nurses’ Closet: David had hoped he had a location, but that did not work out. Christine said in Massachusetts, where she previously lived, they had a shed where they kept the medical equipment, and certain hours when it was manned.
2. Honorary Trees (Myrt, Phil, Howard): Bob suggested adding plaques to Helen’s tree. Kay will talk to Kevin Maloney to see if there is any chance of having trees planted.
3. We Are Still In Resolution: Carlo made a motion to present the resolution to the city council at Coffee with the Council on September 7. Allison seconded. The motion was unanimous.
VIII. New Business:
1. Increase awareness of what is and is not accepted at monthly recycling events: Kay will ask if the information on curbside recycling and monthly drop-off events could be on separate pages and in different colors on the city webpage, and that publicity about the drop-off event not include information about curbside pick up to avoid confusion.
2. Existing EIC Bike Rack at Memorial Park: Ted was contacted because the bike rack is in storage during renovations, and he will be contacted when it is being placed again.
3. Library Books: Bob has been working with the children’s department, the books are ordered, and he will share the list when the books come in.
4. Solar Bike Tour: Christine attended the Bike Committee meeting to find out about this. The Bike Committee and EIC would like to be involved next year.
5. Volunteer Hats for Native Plant Sale: tabled till more info is collected.
6. Downtown: Commission members have received resident complaints about several concerns. ● The fire feature on Front Street is pumping out heat on 900 days. The resident asked, “Who is paying for the eternal flame?” ●The new recycling bins are very confusing and poorly labeled. ●The street lights are not shielded and send most of their light up, which does nothing for safety and interferes with dark skies and insect and bird migration.
7. Renewable Energy: EIC commission members would like to see more renewable energy in Wheaton. Many communities around us have taken advantage of available grants to put solar panels and wind turbines on roofs of municipal buildings and schools, but Wheaton has not.
Bob moved that the meeting be adjourned. Tony Pope seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55.
The next regular EIC meeting is scheduled for September 24, 2019, at 7:30 P.M.