City of Wheaton Fine and Cultural Arts Commission met Aug. 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order
President Mike Bock called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. Those present: Tony Asta, Mike Bock, Dee Hicks, Laurie Swanson Oberhelman, Kathy Young. Absentees: Sarah Antas, Bill Austin.
II. Agenda Items
Mike Bock moved and Tony Asta seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried. Tony Asta moved and Laurie Swanson seconded that the May 28 and July 1 minutes be approved. Motion carried.
III. Agenda Item
Bill Austin will not be renewing his commission. Suggestion was to rename Music In The Park to The Bill Austin Music in the Park. Mike Bock moved and Laurie Swanson seconded that we spend up to $200 for food/drink/remembrance for his tenure on the commission. Mike will look into an engraved pewter mug.
Agenda Item
Wheaton Festival of Culture will be held September 15 from 1:00 to 5:00 at the French Market space on Willow Street. Our mission statement and logo will be on the brochure showing our participation in the event.
Agenda Item
Golf ball will be removed from Burning Bush front yard and hopefully placed in lobby at City Hall. Laurie Swanson will check with the City for logistics in making this happen.
Agenda Item
New Business: There will be a celebration of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo in September sponsored by several community groups. The Burning Bush will have an adjacent show that will feature other Mexican artists. There will be a celebration on November 2 featuring the Day of the Dead with a parade including dancers, mariachi bands, face painting, katrinas, masks and Coco movie. Laurie Swanson moved and Tony seconded to donate $1000 for the promotion of an art project for the Day of the Dead. Motion carried.
Agenda Item
The Commission members have been asked to research possible projects for 2020 and present them at our next meeting.
Kathy Young moved and Tony seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 6:56. Motion passed.