
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 27, 2025

ICYMI: Media Calls Out “Madigan’s Favorite Republican” Lie (Again)


Issued the following announcement on Sept. 26.

Local media recently caught a push-poll from former Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti that seemed to be recycling a baseless lie from Former Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner’s 2018 primary race against Jeanne Ives: Ives is “Madigan’s favorite Republican." 

Sanguinetti is clearly resurrecting the lies of campaigns past out of desperation. The families in the 6th District know Jeanne. And now they know what kind of person Evelyn is. She can tell her lies. Jeanne will tell the truth. The voters will be able to tell the difference.

The News Gazette

Jim Dey: Meanwhile, in the 6th district, former state Rep. Jeanne Ives and former Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti are competing to run against Democrat Casten.

Sanguinetti recently made — by Republican standards — a despicable accusation against Ives, charging — falsely — that Ives is friendly with Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan, the evil genius who has succeeded in marginalizing Illinois Republicans.

Sanguinetti used what is known as a “push poll” against Ives.

That’s a method by which one candidate pushes negative information about a rival candidate under the guise of conducting a public opinion poll. Questions are phrased in a way that puts one candidate in a favorable light and the other in a negative light.

Here’s an exaggerated example: Would it affect your vote if you knew that Candidate A is a serial child molester while Candidate B has devoted her entire life to helping children and puppies?

The Sanguinetti campaign push poll told voters that Sanguinetti “spent 10 years fighting Michael Madigan” while Ives is “Mike Madigan’s favorite Republican.”

Former Gov. Bruce Rauner used the same dishonest attack against Ives when they ran against each other in the 2018 Republican primary, which Rauner barely survived. It’s a clear effort to mislead voters.

Equally false is Sanguinetti’s claim that she has spent “10 years” fighting Madigan. A lawyer, Sanguinetti was a member of the Wheaton City Council, an assistant attorney general and a law professor before being elected lieutenant governor. None of those positions afforded her an opportunity to oppose Madigan in any meaningful way.  Read the full article here.


Dupage Policy Journal

Top Illinois political analyst, Chris Robling, told the DuPage Policy Journal that the poll is a “complete joke.”

He said that he could only imagine that Sanguinetti was trying to “appear a viable candidate against a nationally recognized conservative leader...”

Sanguinetti apparently still feels the need to defend Rauner, Robling said.

“She had a chance to distance herself from Rauner from when he signed the (2017) abortion law (which expanded publicly funded abortions for women on Medicaid),” Robling said. “She proved then that she is window dressing and continues to be window dressing.” Read the full article here.


Image result for McHenry County Blog Logo

I was more than a little disturbed right before the 2018 Primary Election when Governor Bruce Rauner spent millions on TV ads, plus I think I remember direct mail, to label opponent Jeanne Ives “Mike Madigan’s favorite Republican.”

Imagine my reaction when a robo-poll from the 6th District congressional campaign of his Lieutenant Governor, Evelyn Sanguinetti , used the same pitch on the Sunday before last.

The recording started off neutral enough asking demographic information and political leanings and whether I thought favorably about Donald Trump, Bruce Rauner, Evelyn Sanguinetti and Jeanne Ives… I reached out to Sanguinetti herself, then, the next day, to her press person asking if her campaign paid for the calls.

The Sanguinetti campaign confirmed that it financed the survey research. Read the full article here.


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Why would Sanguinetti go so blatantly and falsely negative so early in the campaign? Does it indicate that Ives is really far ahead of Sanguinetti? Inside sources tell us Ives is leading in the 6th CD's GOP primary campaign polling. Read the full article here.

Flashback: Media Calling Out the Same Lie from the Rauner / Sanguinetti Camp in 2018:

Jim Slusher, Daily Herald: Deceptive Political ads Grow Because Voters Let Them 

Eric Zorn, Chicago Tribune: How Low Can Politicians Go? Rauner’s Attack Ads Show the Way. 

Greg Hinz, Crain’s Chicago Business: Bruce Rauner Aims to Hit Jeanne Ives, but Undermines His Integrity 

John Kass, Chicago Tribune: Election-Year Politics Getting In Your Hair? Some Answers to Straighten Things Out. 

Scott Reeder, The Rock Island Dispatch Argus: Rauner’s Big Lie About Ives 

Better Government Association / Politifact: Fact Check: Rauner’s Head-spinning Claim That Arch Conservative Opponent Jeanne Ives Is A Mike Madigan Lackey

National Review:  Rauner’s Latest Dishonest Attack on Conservative Challenger Ives