
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission met August 7

Webp meetingroom01

City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission met Aug. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

7:10 pm

II. Welcome

III. Roll Call

Tony Asta

Colleen Attwell ABSENT

Gail Forrest

Kay Frederick

Marcella Incarnati ABSENT

Julie Kulovits

Shayne Moore ABSENT

Alex Mayster ABSENT

Erica Nelson (Virtual)

Katie Sivak

Larniecia Smith

IV. Approval of Minutes

Minutes approved for July meeting

V. Citizens to be Heard

Shevali Trividi joined us and gave us an overview of Giving Dupage. We are looking at potential alliances in future, including leveraging and optimizing volunteer databases/resources.

ACTION: review website, save the date for their various events include Dupage Nonprofit Conference in October and Volapalooza breakfast in November. (ALL)

ACTION: Sign up as an organization with Giving Dupage (Forrest)

VI. Continuing Business

Finance / Social Media Reports / Other Meeting Reports

Finance: Gail Forrest updated the team on the anticipated budget and requested budget for 2020. Social Media: NO REPORT


Since Sandy McKeen has resigned, Gail Forrest updated the team on YTD sponsors. Many thanks to Milton Township, Dry City, Wheaton Bank, Downtown Wheaton Association and the Chamber of Commerce.

Festival of Cultures

ACTION: Coordinate with Alex on Festival Brochure and getting back to sponsors on ad requirements. (Forrest)

ACTION: Schedule conference call with Moore, Asta, Nelson to review communications action plan and status. (Forrest)

Make a Difference Day

Giving Dupage presented. Visiting Dupage PADS to partner for MADD. subcommittee.

Good Citizens of the Year


Military Initiative

Spoke with Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans Development Director Emily Kehoe.

meeting for first week in September. Want to explore opportunities with local Café Liberty – culinary training program for veterans located at 120 E. Liberty Drive. Purpose is to help unemployed or underemployed veterans find gainful employment in the culinary industry at no cost to the student.

VII. New Business

National Night Out: WCRC supported the Wheaton Police Department in this initiative and handed out Festival of Culture flyers and WCRC brochures to numerous families, great response.

We sadly received resignations from Sandra McKeen (effective immediately) and Julie Kulovits (effective October 1.) We thank both of them for their service to the organization and wish them the best.

ACTION: Approach at least one person to invite them for membership! (ALL)

VIII. Adjournment Adjourned at 8:42 pm.
