Village of Glen Ellyn Village Board met June 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Roll Call
D. Audience Participation
1. Open:
Members of the public are welcome to speak to any item not specifically listed on tonight's agenda for up to (3) three minutes. For those items which are on tonight's agenda, the public will have the opportunity to comment at the time the item is discussed. In either case, please complete the Audience Participation form and turn it in to the Village Clerk. It is requested that, if possible, one spokesman for a group be appointed to present the views of the entire group. Speakers who are recognized are requested to step to a microphone and state their name, their topic and the group, if any, they are representing prior to addressing the Village Board. Individuals wishing to address the Board shall exercise proper decorum and respect for the proceedings and the business of the Village Board, and shall refrain from abusive demeanor and language. The practice of ceding time to other speakers shall be prohibited, except in the discretion of the presiding officer of the meeting. Public officials are not obligated to respond to questions.
E. Contractor Registration (Presented by Community Development Director Springer) (Discussion Only)
1. Community Development Director Springer will lead a discussion on the contractor registration program.
F. Proposed Staffing Adjustments (Presented by Assistant Village Manager Holmer) (Discussion Only)
1. Assistant Village Manager Holmer will lead a discussion regarding potential staffing adjustments.
G. Other Items
H. Adjournment