
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Board's Elliott is equal parts nostalgic about DuPage County's past and hopeful for its future


DuPage County administration building

DuPage County administration building

A resident of Glen Ellyn for most of his life, DuPage County Board Member Timothy Elliott relishes the opportunity to give back to and help improve his community.

“I was raised there, and my wife and I are raising four children there," Elliott told DuPage Policy Journal. "We want to make sure they have the same opportunities we had growing up: safe streets, good schools, honest government.” 

Elliott keeps himself very busy as both a District 4 County Board Member and also an attorney with Rathje Woodward, but his goal is always to help the DuPage County be its very best.

DuPage County Board Member Timothy Elliott

“My main focus is trying to make sure the county operates effectively, and within its means," he said. "I’ve also tried to focus on projects that can help District 4 as well as the county as a whole, such as the East Branch DuPage River Bike Trail, an IGA (intergovernmental agreement) with COD (College of DuPage) and Glen Ellyn, support for the Innovation DuPage center in Glen Ellyn, and better enforcement of zoning with respect to adult businesses.”

Elliott hopes to help propel DuPage County into the future, where it will have a chance to continue to be the wonderful community that it is now. Realizing such a goal will require much planning and hard work, he said.

“I want to see DuPage County undertake the planning and execution necessary to have a truly 21st-Century infrastructure,” Elliott said. “The world around us is changing rapidly. We need to have infrastructure, environmental policies, economic development and residential opportunities that will allow DuPage to thrive for the next 100 years.”

Elliott not only sees areas in which the county could improve upon, but he also has a vision for how to bring about those changes.

“As someone who’s lived here most of my life, I know there’s much to love about our county," he said. "However, we cannot be complacent or moribund. We must be willing to innovate and embrace new technology, new forms of education and new economic opportunity. What I don’t want to change are the values upon which the county has been built: respect, restraint and discipline.”