
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Lombard Board of Trustees met January 3

Webp hall

Village of Lombard Board of Trustees met Jan. 3.

Here is the agenda provided by the

I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

II. Roll Call

III. Public Hearings

IV. Public Participation

V. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 28, 2018 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 6, 2018

VI. Committee Reports

Community Promotion & Tourism - Trustee Mike Fugiel, Chairperson

Community Relations Committee - Trustee Robyn Pike, Chairperson

Economic/Community Development Committee - Trustee Bill Johnston, Chairperson

Finance & Administration Committee, Trustee Reid Foltyniewicz, Chairperson

Public Safety & Transportation Committee - Trustee Dan Whittington, Chairperson

Public Works & Environmental Concerns Committee - Trustee Bill Ware, Chairperson

Board of Local Improvements - Trustee Bill Ware, President

Lombard Historic Preservation Commission - Village Clerk Sharon Kuderna

VII. Village Manager/Village Board Comments

VIII. Consent Agenda

Payroll/Accounts Payable

A. 180516 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending December 7, 2018 in the amount of $209,910.10.

B. 180525 Approval of Village Payroll

For the period ending December 8, 2018 in the amount of $887,001.12.

C. 180526 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending December 14, 2018 in the amount of $1,794,614.20.

D. 190038 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending December 21, 2018 in the amount of $646,264.94.

E. 190044 Approval of Village Payroll

For the period ending December 22, 2018 in the amount of $800,813.85.

F. 190045 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending December 28, 2018 in the amount of $1,181,971.71.

Ordinances on First Reading (Waiver of First Requested)

G. 180491 Ordinance Amending Title XI, Chapter 123 of the Village Code in

Regards to Raffles Within the Village of Lombard. To amend the Village Code regarding raffles: Increasing the time limitations for operations of a raffle as well as increase the limitations on the total maximum retail prize value and requirements for adequate security and crowd control with expenses for such services covered/reimbursed by the raffles applicant. These amendments have been reviewed and recommended by the Finance and Administration Committee

Legislative History

11/26/18 Finance & Administration


Recommended to the Board of Trustees with condition(s)

Other Ordinances on First Reading

H. 180499 Text Amendments to the Village Code of Ordinances, Chapter 150.141: Building Permit Fee Amendments The Board of Building Appeals (BOBA) recommends approval of the proposed Village Code amendments relative to the building permit fee structure and the fee schedule. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

Legislative History

12/5/18 Board of Building Appeals recommended to the Corporate Authorities for approval

I. 180520 PC 18-37: Text Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance - Lots of Record Recommendation from the Plan Commission to approve text amendments to: Section 155.209 Minimum lot size; Section 155.220 - Development on lots of record; Section 155.306 - Lot sizes - Reconstruction; and any other relevant sections for clarity. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

Legislative History

January Village Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

3, 2019 12/17/18 Plan Commission Recommend for approval to the Corporate Authorities

J. 180521 PC 18-38: Text Amendments to the Sign Ordinance - Project Identification Signs Recommendation from the Plan Commission to approve text amendments to Chapter 153, Signs, to add provisions for project identification signs. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

Legislative History

12/17/18 Plan Commission recommended to the Corporate Authorities for approval

Ordinances on Second Reading

K. 180489 Fire Department Residency Requirements

Amending Title 3, Chapter 31, Section 31.65 of the Lombard Village Code expanding the Fire Department residency requirements for other than the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief to include Lake County Indiana and Kenosha County Wisconsin.

Legislative History

12/6/18 Village Board of Trustees passed on first reading


L. 180510 Central Pressure Adjusting Station Improvements, Change Order No. 2 Reflecting an increase to the contract with JJ Henderson & Son in the amount of $25,169.97. (DISTRICT #4)

Legislative History

12/11/18 Public Works &

Environmental Concerns

recommended to the Board of Trustees for approval

M. 180512 Roosevelt and Finley Intersection Improvements, Final Balancing

Change Order No. 3 Reflecting a decrease to the contract with Alliance Contractors Inc. in the amount of -$76,641.55. (DISTRICT #2)

Legislative History

12/11/18 Public Works &

Environmental Concerns recommended to the Board of Trustees for approval

N. 180515 2018 Asphalt Paving & Patching Program, Final Balancing

Change Order No. 1 Reflecting a decrease to the contract with R.W. Dunteman Company in the amount of -$48,619.22. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

Legislative History

12/11/18 Public Works &

Environmental Concerns recommended to the Board of Trustees for approval

Village of Lombard Page 4 Printed on 1/2/2019

January 3, 2019 Village Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

O. 180523 FY2018 Concrete Rehabilitation & Utility Cuts Patching, Final

Balancing Change Order No. 1

Reflecting a decrease to the contract with Schroeder & Schroeder Inc. in the amount of -$29,852.07. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

P. 180524 FY2018 Driveway Apron, Curb and Sidewalk Restoration Program, Final Balancing Change Order No. 1 Reflecting an increase to the contract with Globe Construction Inc. in the amount of $18,524.87. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

Q. 190014 Main Street Improvements

Approving a contract with Civiltech Engineering Inc. in the amount of $144,869.91 for design engineering services. (DISTRICTS #1, #2, #4 & #6)

Other Matters

R. 180326 Cleaning Services for Public Works, Village Hall & Police

Department Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Advanced Cleaning Systems Inc. in an amount not to exceed $39,291.24. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. Advanced Cleaning Systems Inc. was the lowest proposal submitted in response to an RFP. (DISTRICT #6)

S. 180517 Coarse Aggregate Materials

Request for a waiver of bids and approval of a one-year extension of contract with Vulcan Materials Company in an amount not to exceed $44,500.00. This contract was previously competitively bid with the Village retaining options to renew based upon cost and performance. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

T. 180522 2019 Sewer Stub Rodding

Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to All Plumbing & Sewer Services Inc. in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. This contract was previously competitively bid with the Village retaining options to renew based upon cost and performance. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

U. 180527 HVAC Maintenance Contract

Request for a waiver of bids and award of a one-year contract renewal to Season's Comfort in an amount not to exceed $33,780.00. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. This contract was previously competitively bid with the Village retaining options to renew based upon cost and performance. (DISTRICTS #3, #4 & #6)

V. 180531 Landscape and Parkway Restoration

Award of a bid to TNT Landscape and Construction, the lowest responsible bidder of three (3) bids, in the amount of $32,625.00. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

W. 190039 Tree & Stump Removal

Request for a waiver of bids and award of a one-year renewal contract to Homer Tree Care Inc. in the amount of $54,798.00. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. This contract was previously competitively bid with the Village retaining options to renew based upon cost and performance. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

X. 190040 Cambria Lift Station Rehabilitation, Phase 2

Award of a contract to John Neri Construction, the lowest responsible bidder of five (5) bids, in the amount of $996,935.00. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICT #6)

Y. 190042 Specialty Landscaping and Bed Maintenance

Request for a waiver of bids and award of a one-year renewal contract to Beary Landscape Management in the amount of $70,000.00. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. This contract was previously competitively bid with the Village retaining options to renew based upon cost and performance. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

Z. 190001 Agreement for the Collection of Unremitted Payments for

Emergency Services and Utility Bills Motion authorizing execution of a Service Agreement for the collection of unremitted payments for emergency services and utility bills with Amor Systems Corporation with a contingency fee of 19% of all dollars collected.

AA. 190043 Prescient Development Inc. Technical Support Services

Motion authorizing the execution of an addendum to the current three-year contract with Prescient Solutions for IT technical support services reflecting a change in staffing levels with first year costs decreased 7% (-$36,166.68) with a contact amount of $475,972.32; and the second year cost decreased to $407,139.00 with total savings of 21% (-$105,000.00).

IX. Items for Separate Action

Ordinances on First Reading (Waiver of First Requested)

A. 180413 PC 18-31: 105 - 115 W. Maple Street - Calvary Episcopal Church -

Conditional Use for Tri Town YMCA Day Care Center The petitioner requests that the Village grant approval of a conditional use for a planned development with a use exception for a day care center on the subject property located within the R2 Single-Family Residence District. (DISTRICT #1)

Legislative History

10/15/18 Plan Commission continued

11/19/18 Plan Commission recommended to the Corporate Authorities

for approval subject to conditions

12/6/18 Village Board of Trustees continued

Other Ordinances on First Reading

Ordinances on Second Reading


Other Matters

X. Agenda Items for Discussion

XI. Executive Session

XII. Reconvene

XIII. Adjournment
