City of Naperville Public Utilities Advisory Board will meet on September 20.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Public Forum:
D. Old Business:
E. New Business:
F. Reports:
1. 18-782 Approve the Public Utilities Advisory Board minutes of July 19, 2018
2. 18-784 Receive the 2018 Electric Rate Study and approve the staff recommendation on rates, increased capital, early payoff of the Water Utility loan and realignment of the Purchased Power Adjustment base for City Council consideration.
3. 18-773 Motion to recommend a decrease in rates by 2% per year for the next three years for all rate classes.
4. 18-774 Motion to move the PPA base from $83.00 to $85.51/MWh.
5. 18-775 Motion to pay off the Water Utility loan in 2018.
6. 18-776 Motion to increase capital spending by $2 million to a total of $14 million per year for the next three years (2019-2021).
G. Adjournment: