DuPage County Local Emergency Planning Committee met Aug. 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comment
4. Minutes Approval
A. Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) - LEPC Meeting - Tuesday May 15th, 2018
5. Informational Items
A. Informational -- Federal Highway Administration - Jeff McSpaden
B. Informational -- The Annual Report was submitted to the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) per regulations by the July 1st date.
C. Informational -- Appointed Members and alternate members have been recognized.
D. Informational -- Information Coordinator Appointment - Bernadette Mason has been appointed the new Information Coordinator (non-voting) effective 8/1/2018.
6. Action Items
A. Action Item -- Joy Hinz was nominated from the floor on May 15, 2018 for another term as the DuPage LEPC Vice Chairperson. This vote is to elect Joy Hinz as the LEPC Vice
Chairperson for a two year term.
7. Old Business
A. Bylaws
8. New Business
9. Adjournment