
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

WHEATON POLICE DEPARTMENT: Increasing Enforcement on Saturation Saturday


Wheaton Police Department issued the following announcement on Aug. 21.

On Saturday, Aug. 25, the Wheaton Police Department will participate in Saturation Saturday, a statewide initiative with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Illinois and law enforcement agencies to reduce drunk and drugged driving. Together, the agencies will increase enforcement focusing on drunk driving and drug/alcohol-related traffic offenses and remove and arrest individuals driving under the influence.

The Wheaton Police Department will be dedicating its enforcement efforts in honor of those whose lives were tragically cut short due to an impaired driver. Our community has felt the impact of drunk and drugged driving, and the Saturation Saturday initiative will reinforce our zero-tolerance stance with DUI.

As the summer season draws to an end, remember these important tips:

  • Never let family or friends drive drunk.
  • Give your keys to a designated driver before you go out.
  • If you are drunk or impaired by alcohol or other drug, call a taxi, take mass transit, use your favorite ride-sharing service or call a sober friend or family member.
  • Promptly report drunk drivers to law enforcement by pulling over and dialing 911.
  • Make sure everyone in your vehicle wears their seat belt. It is your best defense against a drunk/impaired driver.  
For more information about Mothers Against Drunk Driving or Saturation Saturday, you can contact Sam Canzoneri, state executive director, at sam.canzoneri@madd.org, or Allison Seys, state program coordinator, at allison.seys@madd.org.

Original source can be found here.

Source: City of Wheaton