
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

Voters salute Tonia Khouri's dependability in new video on social media

Tonia khouri

Tonia Khouri

Tonia Khouri

Peers praised Republican House hopeful Tonia Khouri in a video the candidate shared on social media recently.

“My wife passed away four years ago and Tonia was one of the first who stepped up to say ‘hey can I help,’ Mark Loutsis, a friend of Khouri’s, said in a video on Facebook. “I know her, I trust her. I’ve seen her in action.”

Jasmine Rivera, an employee of Khouri's, then describes how Khouri has supported her through the struggle of being a single mother to a son with autism.

Karina Villa

“They understand what I’m going through,” Rivera said in the video. “They pulled me through.”

Khouri is running against Democrat Karina Villa to replace Rep. Mike Fortner (R-West Chicago) in the 49th House District, which includes portions of Batavia, Elgin, Geneva, Hanover, Naperville, St. Charles, Wayne and Winfield.

Throughout her campaign, the DuPage County resident has made greater fiscal responsibility and government transparency major platforms of her campaign.

In another recent Facebook post, Khouri was encouraged by recent economic data that put DuPage County in rare company across the state.

“Mid-year economic data proves that DuPage County's economy is strong, with the lowest unemployment rate in the region,” she stated. “Help me bring our business-friendly climate, low unemployment and job creation to Springfield.”

DuPage County’s standing comes courtesy of a Choose DuPage’s 2018 Second Quarter Economic Indicators Report. The Chicago Tribune recently reported some of the most plentiful job opportunities in the area are now in the sectors of computers, mathematics, management, office and administrative support.