
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, January 31, 2025

DuPage County Environmental Committee met June 5.

Webp meeting 02

DuPage County Environmental Committee met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

8:45 am meeting was called to order by Chair Amy L Grant at 8:47 am.

2. Roll Call

Present: Gavanes, Grant, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley, Healy (8:55 AM - 9:12 am) 


3. Chairman's Remarks

A. Latex Paint Update, Foam, and Cooking Oil Recycling

Joy Hinz, Environmental Specialist, presented the two flyers, one in English and one in Spanish, which are being used for the Latex Paint Recycling Program have been distributed to the mayors and managers. This program runs from June 25 until August 4 at the Woodridge Greene Valley Waterwater Treatment Plant. There will also be recycling Styrene foam through Dart. Cooking Oil recycling program is ongoing at this location and an increase is expected due to its proximity to the paint recycling.

Member Krajewski inquired if the Environmental staff is working with the DuPage County Health Department to inform restaurants regarding the Cooking Oil Recycling Program.

B. 2018 Latex Paint Flyer

4. Public Comment 


5. Approval Of Minutes

A. Environmental Committee - Regular Meeting - May 1, 2018 8:45 am

C. 2018 Latex Paint Flyer Spanish

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Kevin Wiley, District 6

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Gavanes, Grant, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley

Absent: Healy

6. Action Items

A. Action Item -- Agreement Between the County of DuPage, Illinois and eWorks Electronics Services, Inc. to Provide Electronics Recycling to Residents of DuPage County

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Brian J Krajewski, Vice Chairman

Seconder: Kevin Wiley, District 6

Ayes: Gavanes, Grant, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley

Absent: Healy

7. Presentations

A. Educational Partners - SCARCE DuPage County Projects

Kay McKeen of SCARCE provided a Power Point presentation to the committee and that is now part of these minutes.

Member Healy arrived at 8:52 during Ms. McKeen's presentation.

Ms. McKeen informed the committee on the process of restaurants recycling cooking oil. Health Department has said they will help inform. Member Krajewski asked if there were known percentages of businesses using the program. Ms. McKeen replied the percentages are unknown, however there is information regarding the quantity of oil received at some of the facilities, but more education is needed with the businesses. 

Member Wiley suggested partnering with the Health Department to spread the information, then the responses could be tracked. Ms. McKeen also pointed out the savings to infrastructure suggesting working with public works departments, festivals and farmer’s markets. 

Chair Grant mentioned working with municipalities’ mayors and managers. Chair Grant went on to ask about the financial output for businesses to have the oil recycled. Ms. McKeen replied there is no cost to the business for storage bins or pickup fees, unless the bin is empty at the time of pickup. Ms. McKeen was asked by Member Krajewski the name of company that retrieves the oil and asked if a report could be generated to show the empty bins on the company’s route. He also asked if the Health Department has a report on which places do not have oil bins. Ms. Hinz replied that she would reach out to the Health Department to find this information. 

Nick Kottmeyer, Director of Public Works & Operations, explained from a Public Works viewpoint, generally restaurants are not the problem because of building plans or build- outs in strip malls. If the restaurants are not serviced regularly it is a problem that the Health Department would need to stay on top of. However, he did express some concern regarding festivals. Member Krajewski asked about festivals and the removal of oil and how permitting is done. The Health Department is involved with permitting food service at a festival, Mr. Kottmeyer replied. Member Noonan suggested the host of the event be responsible and require vendors to recycle cooking oil.

B. Presentation

SCARCE presentation June 2018

8. Old Business 


9. New Business 


10. Adjournment 

There being no other County business, Chair Grant accepted a motion from Member Krajewski and seconded by Member Wiley to close the meeting at 9:12 am.
