
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Glen Ellyn Board met June 25.

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Village of Glen Ellyn Board met June 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

A. Call to Order

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Roll Call

D. Village Recognition: (Village Clerk)

1. Public Works employees Max Brown, Greg Garcia and Jeff Blecha received a compliment from a resident for their assistance and quick response time in regards to a tree pruning.

2. Public Works employees Max Brown and Kathryn Horn received a compliment for their effective communication and assistance.

E. Audience Participation

1. Open:

Members of the public are welcome to speak to any item not specifically listed on tonight's agenda for up to (3) three minutes. For those items which are on tonight's agenda, the public will have the opportunity to comment at the time the item is discussed. In either case, please complete the Audience Participation form and turn it in to the Village Clerk. It is requested that, if possible, one spokesman for a group be appointed to present the views of the entire group. Speakers who are recognized are requested to step to a microphone and state their name, their topic and the group, if any, they are representing prior to addressing the Village Board. Individuals wishing to address the Board shall exercise proper decorum and respect for the proceedings and the business of the Village Board, and shall refrain from abusive demeanor and language. The practice of ceding time to other speakers shall be prohibited, except in the discretion of the presiding officer of the meeting. Public officials are not obligated to respond to questions.

F. Consent Agenda - The following items are considered routine business by the Village Board and will be approved in a single vote in the form listed below:

Motion to approve the following items including Payroll and Vouchers totaling $3,273,513.40: (Trustee Enright)

1. Total Expenditures (Payroll and Vouchers) - $3,273,513.40. The vouchers have been reviewed by Trustee Enright and Manager Franz prior to this meeting, and are consistent with the Village's purchasing policy.

2. May 29, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

3. May 29, 2018 Special Workshop Meeting Minutes

4. June 4, 2018 Special Board Meeting Minutes

5. June 18, 2018 Regular Workshop Meeting Minutes

6. Approve the Recommendation of the Village President Diane McGinley that the Following Appointments be made for Various Commissions: Capital Improvements Commissioner Stephen Szymanski, for a Term Ending May 31, 2021; Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Chairman James Meyers, for a Term Ending May 31, 2019; Recreation Commissioner Tim Casper for a Term Ending may 31, 2021

7. Accept the Bond Recordkeeping Report for 2016 and 2017 (Finance Director Coyle)

8. Motion to Authorize the Village Manager to Execute Agreements with Comcast Cable Communications Inc. and WOW! for the Undergrounding of Overhead Utility Wires on Lake Road North of Crescent Boulevard in the Respective Amounts of $19,000 and $6,000, to be Expensed to the Capital Projects Fund (Public Works Director Hansen)

9. Ordinance No. 6608 - VC, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1 (Building Code) of Title 4 (Building Regulations) and Chapter 6 (Construction of Utility Facilities in Rights of Way) of Title 8 (Public Ways and Property) of the Village Code of the Village of Glen Ellyn, Illinois to Regulate the Installation of Wireless Communications Sites Constructed Within the Public Right of Way (Planning and Development Director Hulseberg)

10. Resolution No. 18 - 16, A Community Resolution to Adopt the DuPage County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (Public Works Director Hansen)

11. Ordinance No. 6610, An Ordinance Approving a Final Planned Unit Development, Special Use Permit for a Drive-thru, Variations from the Sign Code, and Exterior Appearance Review to construct a Buona Beef restaurant with a drive-thru on Lot 3 of the 375-395 Roosevelt Road development (Planning and Development Director Hulseberg)

12. Motion to Waive Competitive Bidding Pursuant to Glen Ellyn Village Code Section 1-10-2 and Approve the Purchase of one (1) Used 2015 Ford Flex-SEL AWD from Packey Webb Ford of Downers Grove, Illinois, in the Amount of $25,367 to be Expensed to the Equipment Services Fund (Public Works Director Hansen)

13. Ordinance No. 6611, An Amendment to Ordinance No. 6546, the Preliminary Planned Unit Development for 375-395 Roosevelt Road and 681 Taft Avenue, Variations from the Subdivision Code, and Variations from the Zoning Code, To allow existing overhead ComEd utility lines to remain above ground on the subject Property and in the adjacent Taft Avenue right-of-way for the development located at 375-395 Roosevelt Road and 681 Taft Avenue (Planning and Development Director Hulseberg)

14. Ordinance No. 6612, An Ordinance to Approve Variations from the Front Yard and Side Yard Setback Requirements of the Zoning Code to Allow Additions to the Nonconforming Structure at 864 Bemis Road (Planning and Development Director Hulseberg)

15. Approve a License Agreement for Outdoor Seating for The Joy Bar Located at 548 Crescent Boulevard (Planning and Development Director Hulseberg)

16. Ordinance No. 6616, An Ordinance of the Village of Glen Ellyn, DuPage County, Illinois, Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Workers, and Mechanics Employed by Contractors Performing Public Works for the Village (Village Attorney Mathews)

G. Comprehensive Plan (Presented by Planning and Development Director Hulseberg) (Trustee Pryde)

1. Ordinance No. 6613, An Ordinance Approving An Agreement for Professional Services Between Houseal Lavigne Associates, LLC and the Village of Glen Ellyn to Update the Village’s Comprehensive Plan.

H. Annexation of Churchill Woods Forest Preserve District Properties (Presented by Planning and Development Director Hulseberg) (Trustee Pryde)

1. Ordinance No. 6614, An Ordinance Annexing and Zoning a Portion of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County’s Churchill Woods Property Located South of St. Charles Road and West of I-355 into the Village of Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

I. Parking Rate Changes (Presented by Finance Director Coyle) (Trustee Fasules)

1. Ordinance No. 6615 -VC, An Ordinance to Amend Chapter Two (Stopping, Standing, Parking) of Title Nine (Traffic) of the Village Code to Modify Fees for Municipal Permit Only Parking Lots.

J. Taylor Avenue Pedestrian Tunnel (Presented by Professional Engineer Daubert) (Trustee Kenwood)

1. Motion to authorize the Village Manager to approve payments to the Illinois Department of Transportation and Union Pacific Railroad for the Village’s share of expenses for the Taylor Avenue Pedestrian Tunnel Project in the amount of $831,157, including a 5% contingency, to be expensed to the Capital Projects Fund.

2. Motion to authorize the Village Manager to execute an agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company of Chicago, Illinois for Construction Engineering services for the Taylor Avenue Pedestrian Tunnel Project in the not-to-exceed amount of $330,651, including a 5% contingency, to be expenses to the Capital Projects Fund.

K. Central Business District (CBD) Utility Study (Presented by Professional Engineer Daubert) (Trustee Kenwood)

1. Motion to authorize the Village Manager to execute Change Order No. 2 to the Central Business District Utility Study Project with RJN Group for completion of additional study items in the amount of $75,000 resulting in a revised total not-to- exceed agreement amount of $625,500.

L. Reminders

1. A Special Village Board Workshop is scheduled for Monday, July 16, 2018 at 7:00 PM in Community Room of the Glen Ellyn Police Department

2. A Village Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 23, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Galligan Board Room of the Glen Ellyn Civic Center.

M. Other Business

N. Adjournment
