DuPage County Development Committee met June 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call To Order
A. Please turn all beepers, pagers and cell phones "off" or to "vibrate" during the meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Chairman's Remarks
4. Public Comment
A. Public comment is limited to three minutes per person, at the beginning of the meeting. Any comment on Zoning items must be limited to discussion of testimony and/or evidence presented in the Zoning Board of Appeals. No new testimony or evidence can be presented.
5. Approval Of Minutes
A. Development Committee - Regular Meeting - Tuesday June 5th, 2018
6. Regulatory Services
A. Permits - Special Events -- SE-04-18: Medinah Country Club: Wedding Fireworks Display: June 30, 2018: To approve the special event action item for Development Committee only. (Bloomingdale/District 1) (South of Irving Park Road, East of Medinah Road)
B. Permits - Special Events -- SE-05-18: Ruth Lake Country Club: Fourth of July Fireworks Display: July 4, 2018: To approve the special event action item for Development Committee only. (Downers Grove N/District 3) (East of Route 83, North of 63rd Street)
C. DC-O-0037-18 ORDINANCE -- Z18-015 – Donev: The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to deny the following zoning relief: 1. A Variation to allow for an Accessory Structure on a Vacant Lot. (Bloomingdale/ District 4) (West of Glen Ellyn Road, North of Armitage Avenue on Pearl Avenue) The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to deny Z18-015 Donev.
D. DC-O-0038-18 ORDINANCE -- Z18-016 – Martyka: The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to approve the following zoning relief: 1. A Variation to allow an accessory structure in the front of the front wall of the house. (Downers Grove N./ District 3) (East of Lemont Road, South of 86th Street) The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to approve Z18-016 Martyka.
E. DC-O-0039-18 ORDINANCE -- Z18-021 – Markose: The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to approve the following zoning relief: 1. A Conditional use to allow an existing patio to remain less than 3’ (approximately 3”) from the property line where the structure has existed for at least 5 years. (Addison/ District 1) (East of York Street, North of Diversey) The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to approve Z18-021 Markose.
F. DC-O-0040-18 ORDINANCE -- Z18-023 – Ostrowski: The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to deny the following zoning relief: 1. A Conditional Use to increase sq. ft. of detached accessory buildings from 910 sq. ft. to 1,582 sq. ft. approximately. (Lisle/ District 2) (West of Belmont Road, South of Maple Avenue on Chase Avenue) The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to deny Z18-023 Ostrowski
G. DC-O-0041-18 ORDINANCE -- Z18-025 – Cantigny-Reiling: The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to approve the following zoning relief: 1. Variation to allow for a gravel driveway over Lot 7 and Lot 1, as existing. (Winfield/District 6) (East of Winfield Road, North of Swan Lake Drive) The Zoning Hearing Officer recommended to approve Z18-025 Cantigny-Reiling.
H. DC-O-0042-18 ORDINANCE -- Z18-005 – Hakim: The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended to deny the following zoning relief: 1. Conditional Use to reduce the corner side yard setback from 30 feet to approximately 10 feet to allow parking. 2. Conditional Use to reduce the interior yard setback from 20 feet to approximately 15 feet to allow parking. (Bloomingdale/District 1) (Southeast corner of Lake Street and Garden Avenue) ZBA Vote to Deny: 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Absent
I. DC-O-0043-18 ORDINANCE -- Z18-024 – Hawken: The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended to approve the following zoning relief: 1. Variation from the following yard requirements: a. North Yard (Side) from 40 feet to approximately 3 feet b. West Yard (Rear) from 20 feet to approximately 3 feet c. East Yard (Front) from 40 feet to approximately 23 feet and 1 inch 2. Variation for gravel parkway to remain 3. Conditional Use for a private garage (Downers Grove S./District 3) (Approx. 1,500 feet east of Route 83, on Jeans Road/Madison Street) ZBA Vote to Approve: 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Absent
7. Old Business
8. New Business
9. Adjournment