
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 10, 2025

Rep. David S. Olsen chooses to remain quiet on Equal Rights Amendment


Rep. David S. Olsen (R-Downers Grove) is remaining tight-lipped about his stance on the so-called "Equal Rights Amendment" (ERA) now being considered by the Illinois House.

Olsen represents Illinois' 81st District, which includes DuPage and Lake County.

ERA promises to end legal and any other recognized distinctions between the sexes, making female-only bathrooms, prisons, schools and shelters unconstitutional. It would also require women to serve in military combat roles and ban any public accommodation for pregnant women.

Many also argue that ERA would also make any restriction on abortion, which is only performed on women, unconstitutional and require taxpayer funding of the procedure by way of Medicaid.

A resolution in support of ERA passed the Illinois State Senate in April.

Olsen has made no public statements in favor or against ERA. 

When asked by DuPage Policy Journal on how he would vote on ERA, Olsen did not reply.

Eight Republicans joined 35 Democrats to pass the pro-ERA resolution in the state Senate. 

They included Sens. Karen McConnaughay (R-St. Charles), Pamela Althoff (R-Crystal Lake),  Jason Barickman (R-Pontiac), Mike Connelly (R-Naperville), Chris Nybo (R-Elmhurst), John Curran (R-Downers Grove), Sue Rezin (R-Morris) and Tom Rooney (R-Rolling Meadows).

The Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced in the U.S. Congress nearly a century ago. In 1972, it fell just three votes short of the 38 needed for ratification, with Illinois being one of the states voting against passage.