
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

West Chicago City Council met April 16.

Webp meeting372

West Chicago City Council met April 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

1. Call to Order. Mayor Ruben Pineda called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Alderman Dimas led all in the pledge of allegiance.

3. Invocation. The City Clerk gave the invocation.

4. Roll Call and Establishment of a Quorum.

Roll Call found Aldermen Lori J. Chassee, James E. Beifuss, Jr., Heather Brown, Jayme Sheahan, Michael D. Ferguson, Alton Hallett, Sandy Dimas, Melissa Birch-Ferguson, Matthew E. Garling, Kurt Meissner, George L. Garcia, Rebecca Stout, Bonnie A. Gagliardi, and Noreen Ligino-Kubinski present. The Mayor announced a quorum.

City Clerk Nancy M. Smith was also present.

Also in attendance were City Attorney Patrick K. Bond, Public Works Director Rob Flatter, City Administrator Michael L. Guttman, Chief of Police Mike Uplegger, Police Commander Julio Calabrese, Community Development Director Tom Dabareiner, Special Events Coordinator Bethany Bayci, and Administrative Services Director Linda Martin.

5. Public Participation. No one spoke during Public Participation.

6. City Council Meeting Minutes – April 2, 2018. Alderman Hallett made a motion, seconded by Alderman Brown, to approve the minutes of April 2, 2018, with no changes. Voting Aye: Aldermen Chassee, Beifuss, Brown, Sheahan, Ferguson, Hallett, Dimas, Birch- Ferguson, Garling, Garcia, Stout, Gagliardi, and Ligino-Kubinski.. Voting Nay: 0. Alderman Meissner abstained. Motion carried.

7. Corporate Disbursement Report. Alderman Dimas made a motion, seconded by Alderman Garling, to approve the April 16, 2018, Corporate Disbursement Report in the amount of $468,149.78. Voting Aye: Aldermen Chassee, Beifuss, Brown, Sheahan, Ferguson, Hallett, Dimas, Birch-Ferguson, Garling, Meissner, Garcia, Stout, Gagliardi, and Ligino-Kubinski.. Voting Nay: 0. Motion carried.

8. Consent Agenda – Consideration of an Omnibus Vote.

* Development Committee: Alderman Stout read and explained the following items:

A. Resolution 18-R-0024 – A Resolution Approving a Second Amendment to the Final Development Plan for the DS Container Development – 2500 Enterprise Circle – DuPage Business Center

B. Resolution 18-R-0025 – A Resolution Approving the Final Development Plan for Suncast – 805 Discovery Drive – DuPage Business Center

C. Resolution 18-R-0026 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Certain Downtown Façade Grant Program Agreement – Primo Insurance – 522 Main Street (for an amount not to exceed $1,780.12)

Alderman Stout made a motion, seconded by Alderman Gagliardi, to approve the above items. Voting Aye: Aldermen Chassee, Beifuss, Brown, Sheahan, Ferguson, Hallett, Dimas, Birch-Ferguson, Garling, Meissner, Garcia, Stout, Gagliardi, and Ligino-Kubinski.. Voting Nay: 0. Motion carried.

* Infrastructure Committee: Alderman Beifuss read and explained the following items:

D. Ordinance 18-O-0015 – An Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal or Sale of Surplus Equipment, Stock Inventory, and/or Personal Property Owned by the City of West Chicago

E. Resolution 18-R-0022 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Professional Architectural Services Agreement with Matocha Associates Related to the 2018 Wastewater Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project (for an amount not to exceed $21,840.00)

F. Resolution 18-R-0023 – A Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Public Sanitary Sewer Improvements Associated with the American Roofing Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, 621 West Washington Street

G. Resolution 18-R-0027 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract with Donohue & Associates Inc. for Professional Design-Build Services Related to the 2018 Waste Water Treatment Plant SCADA Improvement Project (for an amount not to exceed $671,000.00)

Alderman Beifuss made a motion, seconded by Alderman Brown, to adopt the above items. During discussion, City Administrator said competitive bidding had been waived for Item 8G. Voting Aye: Aldermen Chassee, Beifuss, Brown, Sheahan, Ferguson, Hallett, Dimas, Birch- Ferguson, Garling, Meissner, Garcia, Stout, Gagliardi, and Ligino-Kubinski.. Voting Nay: 0. Motion carried.

* Items Not Sent to Committee: Mayor Pineda read and explained the following items:

H. Resolution 18-R-0029 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Wireline Crossing Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad – Installation and Maintenance of Security Cameras

I. Resolution 18-R-0030 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Funding Agreement with the Mexican Cultural Center to Support the 2018 Mexican Independence Day Event

J. Resolution 18-R-0031 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Accept a Plat of Easement for Floodplain Preservation at 1717 Harvester Road – West Chicago Industrial Center Resubdivision

Alderman Chassee made a motion, seconded by Alderman Birch-Ferguson, to approve the above items. Voting Aye: Aldermen Chassee, Beifuss, Brown, Sheahan, Ferguson, Hallett, Dimas, Birch- Ferguson, Garling, Meissner, Garcia, Stout, Gagliardi, and Ligino-Kubinski.. Voting Nay: 0. Motion carried.

9. Reports by Committees. None

10. Unfinished Business. None

11. New Business. The Mayor said there are seven properties to be sold. City Administrator Guttman provided maps with the properties up for sale. He wanted to know if the City Council would like for staff, not a broker, to sell these properties. Everybody indicated they would like staff to sell the properties.

12. Correspondence and Announcements.

Upcoming Meetings:

- April 17, 2018 Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals

- April 23, 2018 Public Affairs Committee

- April 24, 2018 Historical Preservation Commission

- April 26, 2018 Finance Committee

- May 1, 2018 Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals

- May 3, 2018 Infrastructure Committee

The City Clerk referenced the letter she received from the Illinois State Board of Education, looking for assistance in finding sponsors, feeding sites, identifying not-for-profit organizations that can become sponsors and/or feeding sites, and help in promoting the summer food service program. She said anyone who can help in these areas should contact her.

13. Mayor’s Comments. The Mayor had given his State of the City speech earlier.

14. Executive Session. There was no executive session.

15. Items to be Referred for Final Action from Executive Session. Not applicable.

16. Adjournment. At 7:13 pm, Alderman Chassee made a motion, seconded by Alderman Stout, to adjourn. Motion was carried by voice vote.
