
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 10, 2025

Grant promotes fiscal responsibility in run for 42nd House District


Amy Grant has spent the past two decades turning DuPage County into what she now wants to see the 42nd House District resemble.

Grant and her husband, Jim, have lived in Wheaton for 20 years, during which time she has “volunteered in school, church and community activities for many years," according to her campaign website.

More recently, she has served as a member of the DuPage County board for two terms, pushing an agenda of “fiscal responsibility, transparency, reliable public services and good government,” according to the site.

Now running against Democrat Kathleen Carrier of Carol Stream for the seat that will be vacated by Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) after her unsuccessful bid to unseat Gov. Bruce Rauner, Grant touts that experience as having prepared her for any challenge she may face in Springfield.

“You will get a representative that will always be there for constituents to reach out to,” Grant previously told the DuPage Policy Journal.

In a three-candidate Republican primary race, the 62-year-old Grant knocked off Winfield Township Republican chairman Burt Minor and Ryan Byrne with roughly 64 percent of the vote.