
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, April 19, 2024

City of Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission met March 22.

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City of Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission met March 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

A. Call To Order:

B. Roll Call:

Present 7 - Krishna Bansal, Brett Fessler, Vice Chair Carrie Hansen, Bruce Hanson, Andrew Margulies, Chairperson Kamala Martinez, and Robert Williams Absent 1 - Anthony Losurdo

C. Public Forum:

D. Public Hearings:

1 Conduct the public hearing for World Missions Society Church of God located at 29W771

79th Street - PZC 17-1-094 (Item 1 of 3)

Erin Venard, Planning Services Team, gave an overview of the request.

Kevin M. Carrara, attorney with Rathje and Woodward, spoke on behalf of the petitioner. The PZC inquired about the return of the case before the Commission. Carrara responded that the case is appearing before PZC again in response to concerns from the neighborhood.

Public Testimony:

Marykate Bayer lives on Aero Drive and is opposed to any annexation and rezoning. Ms. Bayer noted an inaccuracy in the minutes from the December 6 PZC meeting and stated that the Southwest Community Area Plan does not depict this property as a future commercial use.

Suzette Selig is a resident of Aero Drive and is the secretary of the Aero Estates Board. She is speaking on behalf of her neighbor Laura Collinski. Ms. Collinski finds the proposed annexation will ruin the value of their homes.

Commissioner Williams arrived at 7:19pm.

Erika Selig lives on Aero Drive and is speaking on behalf of 35 residents on Aero Drive. All 35 residents oppose the proposed rezoning. Ms. Selig stated that the City is not following its Code in terms of lot size and zoning.

Christina Greenstreet stated that Aero Estates is a unique, residential neighborhood. She raised concerns with traffic, speeding, and safety on Aero Drive.

Bret Subsits spoke about traffic on Route 59, problems with deliveries at the Best Buy property, and the amount of vacant retail property on Route 59.

Fred Foss lives on Aero Drive and is directly across the street from the church property. Mr. Foss spoke against the petition at the December 6 PZC meeting. Mr. Foss is in favor of the current proposal.

Roberta Priz lives kitty corner from the church parking lot. Ms. Priz noted that 90% of the churches in Naperville are zoned R1A. She suggested placing a utility easement on Route 59 to allow the Best Buy property to gain contiguity.

Dave Reed lives on Aero Drive and is kitty corner to the southernmost corner of the Best Buy property. Mr. Reed is concerned about the location of the transition from business to residential zoning. The current proposals will set a precedent, placing the transition of commercial to residential at his property line. In the future, Mr. Reed wishes to be able to sell his property at its highest and best use.

PZC inquired about the current proposal versus the December 6 proposal. Lord responded that the tonight's vote will supersede the December 6 vote. PZC also inquired about traffic and the potential for residential zoning for the subject property. Laff responded that the traffic patterns are existing because no redevelopment is proposed. Laff stated that staff does not support residential zoning along Route 59 in this area.

The Planning and Zoning Commission took a 10 minute recess.

The petitioner responded to the public testimony.

PZC closed the public hearing.

The Planning and Zoning Commission supported PZC 17-1-094, finding the split zoning of the property to be a reasonable compromise. PZC also recommended that a condition be added to the annexation agreement to allow for site plan review of any future development on the subject property by the PZC and City Council.

2 Consider rezoning the west lot to B2 (Community Shopping Center District) and the east lot to R2 (Single-Family and Low Density Multiple-Family Residence District) of the subject property located at 29W771 79th Street (World Missions Society Church of God - PZC 17-1-094 (Item 2 of 3)

A motion was made by Bansal and seconded by B. Hanson to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 17-1-094, rezoning the west lot to B2 (Community Shopping Center District) and the east lot to R2 (Single-Family and Low Density Multiple-Family Residence District) of the subject property located at 29W771 79th Street, Naperville.

Aye: 7 - Bansal, Fessler, Vice Chair Hansen, Hanson, Margulies, Chairperson Martinez, and Williams

Absent: 1 - Losurdo, Sokhey (Student member), and Kaushik (Student Member)

3 Consider a variance to permit a reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces pursuant to Section 6-9-3:5 (Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements - Parking Class 5) and a variance to permit parking facilities within 5’ of the rear property lines pursuant to Section 6-9-2:4.3.2 (Off-Street Parking Facilities: Yard Requirements for Off Street Parking Facilities) of the Naperville Municipal Code for the subject property located at 29W771 79th Street (World Missions Society Church of God - PZC 17-1-094 (Item 3 of 3)

A motion was made by Vice Chair Hansen and seconded by Fessler to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 17-1-094, a variance to permit a reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces pursuant to Section 6-9-3:5 (Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements - Parking Class 5) and a variance to permit parking facilities within 5’ of the rear property lines pursuant to Section 6-9-2:4.3.2 (Off-Street Parking Facilities: Yard Requirements for Off Street Parking Facilities) of the Naperville Municipal Code for the subject property located at 29W771 79th Street, Naperville, subject to the condition in the staff report.

Aye: 7 - Bansal, Fessler, Vice Chair Hansen, Hanson, Margulies, Chairperson Martinez, and Williams

Absent: 1 - Losurdo, Sokhey (Student member), and Kaushik (Student Member)


2 Approve the minutes of the March 7, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

A motion was made by Fessler and seconded by Bansal to approve the regular meeting minutes of March 7, 2018.

Aye: 7 - Bansal, Fessler, Vice Chair Hansen, Hanson, Margulies, Chairperson Martinez, and Williams

Absent: 1 - Losurdo, Sokhey (Student member), and Kaushik (Student Member)

1 Approve the minutes of the January 17, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

A motion was made by B. Hanson and seconded by Vice Chair Hansen to approve the regular meeting minutes of January 17, 2018.

Aye: 7 - Bansal, Fessler, Vice Chair Hansen, Hanson, Margulies, Chairperson Martinez, and Williams

Absent: 1 - Losurdo, Sokhey (Student member), and Kaushik (Student Member)

F. Old Business:

G. New Business:

H. Adjournment:
