
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DuPage County Health and Human Services Committee met April 3.

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DuPage County Health and Human Services Committee met April 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

10:15 am meeting was called to order by Chair Robert L Larsen at 10:15 am.

2. Roll Call

Present: Chaplin, Grant, Hart, Khouri, Larsen, Tornatore 


3. Public Comment 

Janet Derrick from Loaves & Fishes, Santosh Kumar from Metro Asian Family Services, Sarah Wagner from DuPage P.A.D.S., Sam Fisher from DuPage Habitat for Humanity, and Karen Doyle from Samaritan Interfaith Counseling Center (SamaraCare), all spoke on behalf of their agencies and expressed their gratitude to DuPage County and Mary Keating for the receipt of their Human Service Grant funds. In attendance but not speaking were representatives from West Suburban Community Pantry, ChildServ, Teen Parent Connection Incorporated, Family Shelter Service, and the Ray Graham Association.

4. Chairman's Report - Chair Larsen

5. Approval Of Minutes

Health & Human Services - Regular Meeting - Mar 20, 2018 10:15 am

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Sam Tornatore, Vice Chair

Seconder: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Ayes: Chaplin, Grant, Hart, Khouri, Larsen, Tornatore

6. Community Services - Mary Keating

CS Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

FI-R-0129-18 Resolution -- Contribution to the Northern Illinois Food Bank - Corporate Funds Special Accounts - Company 1000 Accounting Unit 1180 Account 53700 in the amount of $150,000.00

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Seconder: Greg Hart, District 3

Ayes: Chaplin, Grant, Hart, Khouri, Larsen, Tornatore

7. DuPage Care Center - Janelle Chadwick

DuPage Care Center Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board


HHS-P-0105-18 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Medline Industries, Inc., for examination gloves, for the DuPage Care Center, for the period May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019, for a contract total not to exceed $75,570.40, per lowest, responsible bid #18-047-GV.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tonia Khouri, District 5

Seconder: Greg Hart, District 3

Ayes: Chaplin, Grant, Hart, Khouri, Larsen, Tornatore

8. Travel Requests - Overnight - Require County Board Approval 

Items 8.A. and 8.B. were combined and approved.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Sam Tornatore, Vice Chair

Seconder: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Ayes: Chaplin, Grant, Hart, Khouri, Larsen, Tornatore

A. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Community Services - Communications Specialist to attend the National Conference on Volunteer Engagement & Leadership in St. Paul, Minnesota from June 6, 2018 through June 8, 2018. All expenses to be paid by the Giving DuPage budget.

B. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Community Services - Weatherization (WX) Assessor/Final Inspector to attend mandatory training at Field Exam Training Center in Champaign, Illinois from May 6, 2018 through May 7, 2018. Expenses to include lodging, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc.), and per diems for approximate total of $398.25 - Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program DOE Grant Funded.

9. Residency Waivers - Janelle Chadwick

10. Human Services Grant Fund 2018 Recommendations

A. Staff Reports -- Staff Reports - DuPage County Memorandum - Community Services Department - 2018 Human Services Grant Fund

Mary Keating, Director of Community Services, acknowledged the agencies represented at the meeting. Ms. Keating praised Barb Temborius, Community Development Specialist, and Chris Ragona, Manager of Community Development, for their efforts in screening the Human Services Grant Fund (HSGF) applications. Ms. Keating stated that all sixty applicants are being recommended for some financial assistance. Ms. Keating attributes partial success of all sixty applicants receiving funding to working with the county auditor to tighten up the review of the financial aspect and the documentation requirements from the organizations. 

Ms. Keating explained that within the last two years, the HSGF brought a policy forward that allows two previous funded agencies that merge into one request up to $80,000, up from a single agency threshold request of $50,000. The Loaves & Fishes merge with Naperville Cares previously benefitted from this policy, and this year, the Project HELP merge with the YWCA will benefit, which was praised for the effort to support government consolidation and accountability. 

Ms. Keating mentioned the two organizations that don’t technically meet the threshold of 51% of clients served be DuPage County residents are Family Shelter Services at 43% and Spectrios Institute for Low Vision at 48%. These agencies provide services that are unique to the guidelines of eligibility, providing services that have limited availability in surrounding counties. 

To reduce large drops in funding for applicants that stepped down into lower point categories, the scoring process distribution formula was modified this year to 5% increments in funding. 

Details are available in the HSGF Memorandum, which is hereto attached, and made part of the minutes packet.

B. HHS-R-0130-18 Resolution -- Allocation of $1,000,000.00 County Funding to Human Service Agencies - 2018

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tonia Khouri, District 5

Seconder: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Ayes: Chaplin, Grant, Hart, Khouri, Larsen, Tornatore

11. Community Services Update –  Mary Keating 

Mary Keating stated that the full Community Development Commission will hold their annual meeting at 11:30 am. Ms. Keating urged all County Board members to attend to see a presentation the Community Development staff put together on a story map that does an incredible job showing how the Community Development funds are appropriated.

Informational -- Changes to Family Center Fees - Caring, Coping, and Children (CCC), and Parents and Kids (PAK) - June 1, 2018 Mary Keating explained the Family Center is financially supported by the Access & Visitation Grant that covers services for the never married parents programs, the DuPage County general fund, a filing fee on civil cases for the Neutral Exchange program, and client fees for the parent education course, which is a court ordered requirement for any parent in DuPage County going through divorce with children under the age of 18. 

The Family Center administration is reviewing the revenue aspect of the programs, which have not had an increase since 2007, and are recommending an increase in the fees effective for the divorce classes from $50.00 to $100.00 and the never married classes from $10.00 to $50.00 effective June 1, 2018. Staff has looked at surrounding counties and has the support of Robert J. Anderson, presiding Circuit Judge over domestic relations. The anticipation is that the increase in fees will bring an additional $100,000.00 in revenue to the Family Center. Fees for mediation, which are currently free, are also being considered. 

The administration is exploring other options utilizing the Family Center facility and Community Services’ staff expertise, such as Elder Care Incoordination.

12. Dupage Care Center Update - Janelle Chadwick 

Janelle Chadwick, Administrator of the DuPage Care Center, stated the quarterly Medicaid rate went up .52 per resident per day, which is a reflection of the acuity of their patient population and the care the DuPage Care Center provides residents.

The overall quarterly census at the Care Center was budgeted for a population of 326 but has been maintaining a census of 329 to 331. Additionally, the short stay population was budgeted for 22 but caring for a population of 32 to 33.

13. Old Business

14. New Business 

Member Chaplin commended the DuPage County staff that are working throughout the county after she witnessed a DuPage County staff member at Edwards Hospital. Chairman Larsen stated that the Health Department has partnered with local hospitals to get residents benefitted when they enter through the emergency rooms. Ms. Keating added that the Community Services’ Seniors Department Choices for Care program has staff located in all the DuPage County hospitals that sees all patients being discharged to long term care facilities to explain home based options and their rights in the long-term care facilities.

Ms. Chaplin attended a presentation from a group against teen suicides, the Prevention Leadership Team, and recommended they speak at the Health and Human Services Committee.

15. Informational Items

16. Adjournment 

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:53 am.
