
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DuPage County Technology Committee met March 27.

Webp meeting 10

DuPage County Technology Committee met March 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

2. Roll Call

3. Chairman's Remarks

4. Public Comment

5. Approval Of Minutes

A. Technology Committee - Regular Meeting - Tuesday March 13th, 2018

6. Action Items

A. TE-R-0084-18 RESOLUTION -- TE-R-0084A-18 - Acceptance of Revisions to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the Village of Carol Stream for Information Technology server co-location.

B. 2018-94 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Kinsey & Kinsey, Inc., for ERP consulting services for the Finance and Treasurer departments, for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2018, for a contract total amount of $15,000.00. Per 55 ILCS-1022 ‘Competitive Bids’ (d) IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.00.

C. Change Order -- TE-P-0452B-17 - Amendment to Resolution TE-P-0452A-17 (County Contract 2875-0001-SERV), issued to BMC Software, Inc., for annual software licensing and support for Control-M automated job scheduling software, for Information Technology, to increase the contract $28,488.37 to cover the costs of additional processing task volume to the software license, resulting in an amended contract total of $138,602.82, an increase of 25.87%.

D. Authorization to Travel -- Approval is requested to have the Chief Information Officer attend the Illinois Counties Information Management Association (ICIMA) 2018 Spring Conference in Urbana, Illinois from May 17, 2018 through May 18, 2018 for an approximate cost of $580.00.

7. Informational Items

A. DC-P-0082-18 Recommendation for approval of a contract purchase order to Harris Govern, for annual software maintenance and support services, as needed, for the period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019, for Building & Zoning - $17,584.32, Division of Transportation - $9,524.84, and Public Works - $3,663.40, for a contract total amount not to exceed $30,772.56; Per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (c) not suitable for competitive bids -Sole Source. (Support for Govern System)

B. JPS-P-0096-18 Recommendation for the approval for a contract purchase order issued to Unified Power for the labor to remove, replace and recycle battery strings on the UPS for the Circuit Court Clerk, for a contract total amount not to exceed $27,947.26, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (d) IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.

8. Discussion

A. Strategic Plan Update - FY18 Q1

9. Old Business

10. New Business

11. Adjournment
