City of Elmhurst Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met February 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
6:32 p.m. Chairman Haddad called the meeting to order; Commissioner McGovern seconded the motion.
Public Forum: None
Approval of Minutes:
Commissioner McGovern motioned to approve the January 8, 2018 minutes; Commissioner Parker seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Correspondence: None
Old Business: None
New Business:
Fire Candidate #8, Kevin Grimshaw was interviewed. Commissioner McGovern motioned to reject; Commissioner Parker seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Fire Candidate #10, Nathan Dikun was interviewed. Commissioner Parker motioned to reject; Commissioner McGovern* seconded the motion. Motion passed.
7:32 Adjourned:
Commissioner McGovern motioned to adjourn; Commissioner Parker seconded the motion. Motion passed.