
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, January 31, 2025

DuPage County Environmental Committee met March 6.

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DuPage County Environmental Committee met March 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

8:45 am meeting was called to order by Chair Amy L Grant at 8:50 am.

2. Roll Call

Present: Grant, Noonan, Wiley (Remote), Healy (8:52 am), Anderson, Larsen

Absent: Krajewski, Fichtner

Prior to moving on with the agenda, Chair Grant accepted a motion from Member Noonan and Chair Grant seconded the motion to make Members Anderson and Larsen members of the Environmental Committee for purposes of a quorum. Motion passes.

Member Larsen would like the record to show that Member Wiley atteneded the meeting remotely.

3. Chairman's Remarks

Chair Grant informed the committee that she attended the Environmental Summit at the Northern Illinois University at the Naperville Campus and that it was well attended.

Chair Grant informed the committee members that the main topic was about trees and how they affect our everyday lives. It's important to take care of the more mature trees as well as plant new trees, added Chair Grant.

Chair Grant went on to say that she is very happy, as in DuPage County we moving in the same direction as far as bringing in more trees to our campus, taking care of the mature trees, and working along side Morton Arboretum and our other partners with tree projects.

4. Public Comment

5. Approval Of Minutes

A. Environmental Committee - Regular Meeting - Feb 6, 2018 8:45 AM

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Seconder: Robert L Larsen, District 6

Ayes: Grant, Noonan, Wiley, Anderson, Larsen

6. Action Items

A. Payment of Claims -- Schedule of Claims

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Robert L Larsen, District 6

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Grant, Noonan, Wiley, Anderson, Larsen

7. Staff Reports

A. Treemendous Fair

Member Healy arrived at 8:52am.

Ms. Dierich informed the committee that on April 27 we will be providing free trees to DuPage County Employees. This event will be located in the auditorium in the 421 Building between 1:30pm to 2:00pm, added Ms. Dierich.

B. Staff Reports -- March 2018 Strategic Initiatives

Ms. Hinz explained to the committee a few key points from the strategic initiatives for environmental concerns in DuPage County which include Cool DuPage's efforts through social media.

The email subscribers has more than tripled due to the communication office's efforts to obtain email addresses and the public signing up to receive the newsletter, we have incorporated Cool DuPage's tip and recycling information in the employee newsletters, we were able to provide information at the Environmental Summit, we were also at the Small Business event where information was provided as well, we have obtained additional funding for the document shredding program and other communities are interested in Cool DuPage's Initiatives like the City of Aurora and Wayne Township have inquired about becoming a Cool DuPage Partner, added Ms. Hinz.

We will continue to work with the utility companies to help communicate to the public entities the transition from the department of commerce economic opportunity about the money incentive that is available from the utilities, reported Ms. Hinz.

Member Larsen inquired if our relationship with the utilities companies have been affected due to the outreach, and Ms. Hinz informed that we have a solid relationship with the utilities and that Northern Illinois and Commonwealth Edison representatives sit on our Green Council Committee.

The second initiative for environmental concerns is overall recycling especially the hard to recycle items, and we are in constant communication with the Naperville Household Hazardous Facility in to try to maximize the dollar amount the County is spending to better serve the public, informed Ms. Hinz.

Member Larsen inquired if we are reaching out to the public through social media and Ms. Hinz informed that we are continually reaching out through social media.

C. Staff Reports -- SolSmart Designation DuPage County's Application

Nick Kottmeyer, the director of Public Works, explained to the committee members that the SolSmart Designation is a program designed to allow Counties and other municipalities the opportunity to obtain solar designation status without the process being laborious. The County has met most of the requirements to obtain the solar designation, added Mr. Kottmeyer. If it is the desire of the committee, we would like to move forward with the SolSmart Designation, stated Mr. Kottmeyer.

Member Larsen inquired about the barriers for zoning and permitting, and would like to know what are the main issues.

Ms. Hinz informed that she is unaware of any particular issues as of yet with zoning since solar is allowed per the County Code, however SolSmart will provide technical assistance and inform the County if there are issues that need to addressed.

D. Staff Reports -- 2018 Document Shredding Program Update

Ms. Dierich informed the committee that during the month of February, staff released a notice to all communities in DuPage County regarding the availablity of funding to assist with document shredding services to residents.

Ms. Dierich went on to say that of the $6,500, that $5,500 has been split among ten local governments and there is funding available for a few more communities to apply.

Please see the attached memorandum for a list of all the communities that will receive funding for document shredding.

8. Presentations

A. Educational Partners - SCARCE DuPage County Projects

Kay of SCARCE provided a Power Point for the committee members and she answered questions from the committee.

The Power Point Presentation will be uploaded and made a part of these minutes.

B. Communications


1. SCARCE 3/6/2018

9. Old Business

10. New Business

11. Adjournment
