
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DuPage County Stormwater Management Committee met January 2.

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DuPage County Stormwater Management Committee met January 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

7:30 am meeting was called to order by Chair James Zay at 7:30 am.

2. Roll Call

Present: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

3. Public Comment - Public Comment Is Limited To Three Minutes Per Person

There was no Public Comment.

4. Chairman's Report

A. Julia England's 10 Year Anniversary

Chairman Zay and Director Charlton presented Division Assistant I Julia England with an anniversary award for 10 years of dedicated service to DuPage County.

5. Approval Of Minutes

A. Stormwater Management Committee - Planning Committee - Dec 5, 2017 7:30 am

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Janice Anderson, District 5

Seconder: David Brummel, Warrenville Mayor (6)

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

6. Consent Agenda

A. Consent Item -- Martam Change Order - Liberty Park Drainage Improvements Project, to add line items to the contract, with no change to the contract dollar amount.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Greg Hart, District 3

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

7. Claims Reports

A. Payment of Claims -- Schedule of Claims - December

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Chester Pojack, Glendale Heights Trustee (6)

Seconder: Nunzio Pulice, Wood Dale Mayor (1)

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

8. Staff Reports The motion was to combine and place on file.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Greg Hart, District 3

Seconder: David Brummel, Warrenville Mayor (6)

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

A. Staff Reports -- DuPage County Stormwater Management December E-Newsletter

B. Staff Reports -- Construction Progress Update – Flood Control Improvements at Graue Mill, Spring Creek Reservoir Gate Replacement Project, Liberty Park Drainage System Improvements Project

C. Staff Reports -- DuPage County Stormwater Management Upcoming Events

D. Staff Reports -- Wayne Oaks Dam and Reservoir

9. Presentation

A. Accela Permitting Software

Project Engineer Lucy Chang gave a presentation on the Accela Permitting Software. Staff answered all questions posed by the Committee.

10. Action Items

A. SM-CO-0001-18 Recommendation to approve amendment to County Contract 2348-1 Serv, issued to ComEd, for electrical energy supply services to various Stormwater Management facilities, to increase the contract $8,000.00 to pay final invoices, for an amended Contract total amount not to exceed $32,000.00, an increase of 33.33%.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Seconder: Janice Anderson, District 5

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

B. SM-R-0030-18 Resolution -- Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Downers Grove and the County of DuPage, Illinois for the Implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in the East Branch DuPage River and Salt Creek Watersheds \Motion by Member Coyne, seconded by Member Brummel to combine Agenda Items 10 B, 10 C, 10 D and 10 E. Motion by Member Grant, seconded by Member Brummel to approve Agenda Items 10 B, 10 C, 10 D and 10 E. On a voice vote all members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Amy L Grant, District 4

Seconder: David Brummel, Warrenville Mayor (6)

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

C. SM-R-0031-18 Resolution -- Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Clarendon Hills and the County of DuPage, Illinois for the Implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in the Des Plaines River and Salt Creek Watersheds

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Amy L Grant, District 4

Seconder: David Brummel, Warrenville Mayor (6)

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

D. SM-R-0032-18 Resolution -- Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Lombard and the County of DuPage, Illinois for the Implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in the East Branch DuPage River and West Branch DuPage River Watersheds

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Amy L Grant, District 4

Seconder: David Brummel, Warrenville Mayor (6)

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

E. SM-R-0033-18 Resolution -- Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Glendale Heights and the County of DuPage, Illinois for the Implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in the East Branch DuPage River and West Branch DuPage River Watersheds

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Amy L Grant, District 4

Seconder: David Brummel, Warrenville Mayor (6)

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

11. Informational

A. PW-P-0019-18 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc., for the purchase of two (2) Goodwin pumps (used) for de- watering and bypass pumping during emergency situations, for Public Works, Drainage, and Stormwater Management, for a contract total amount not to exceed $60,000.00 ($20,000.00 per Department), per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (c) not suitable for competitive bids - used equipment

Motion was to approve and place on file.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Chester Pojack, Glendale Heights Trustee (6)

Seconder: Greg Hart, District 3

Ayes: Pojack, Anderson, Brummel, Coyne, Grant, Hart, Noonan, Pulice, Yusuf, Zay

Absent: Fichtner, Tully

12. Old Business

There was no Old Business.

13. New Business

There was no New Business.

14. Executive Session

15. Adjournment

Motion by Member Hart, seconded by Member Brummel to adjoun the meeting at 7:47 am. On a voice vote all members present voted aye. Motion carried.
