
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Darien Municipal Services Committee met November 6

Webp hall

City of Darien Municipal Services Committee met November 6. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:

Establish Quorum

Chairman Joseph Marchese called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers, Darien, Illinois and declared a quorum present.

New Business

a. RESOLUTION - To enter into an engineering agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for the 2018 Street Maintenance Program, in an amount not to exceed $32,748.00.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that this is an engineering agreement for the 2018 Street Maintenance Program. He reported that the total is approximately 5.7 miles. He reported on the streets noted in the agenda memo. He further reported that the cores will start to drop off and by 2019/2020 there should be no more cores.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Chlystek made a motion and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval of an engineering agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for the 2018 Street Maintenance Program, in an amount not to exceed $32,748.00.


b. RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an engineering agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for pavement corings for the proposed 2018 Street Maintenance Program, in an amount not to exceed $8,900.00.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that this agreement is for a pavement study consisting of 35 pavement corings for the 2018 Street Maintenance Program. He reported that the cost is lower this year at $8,900 and was budgeted for $13,200.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Chlystek made a motion and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval authorizing the Mayor to enter into an engineering agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for pavement corings for the proposed 2018 Street Maintenance Program, in an amount not to exceed $8,900.00.


c. MOTION - Authorizing the purchase of 511 banners from Quinn Flags for the City of Darien Banner Program, in an amount not to exceed $21,436.45.25 double banner

brackets from Bannerville USA, in an amount not to exceed amount of $2,875.00. 50 6-foot diameter holiday wreaths from Houzz, in an amount not to exceed amount of $6,649.50. 5 Pre-lit holiday trees from Balsam Hill, in an amount not to exceed $4,696.98.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the existing banners are 20-25 years old and in poor condition. He reported that Attorney Murphy determined that Darien not put up banners for other organizations.

Mr. Gombac reported that staff revamped the banner program with the main concentration in the center of town. He reported that staff is also proposing holiday trees and wreaths.

Alderman Belczak stated that he preferred to see all the trees prelit with clear lights. Mr. Gombac stated that all clear lights would change the total to $4,396.98. Chairperson Marchese stated that he would mention this during the City Council meeting.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion and it was seconded by Alderman Chlystek approval authorizing the purchase of 511 banners from Quinn Flags for the City of Darien Banner Program, in an amount not to exceed $21,436.45. 25 double banner brackets from Bannerville USA, in an amount not to exceed amount of $2,875.00. 50 6-foot diameter holiday wreaths from Houzz, in an amount not to exceed amount of $6,649.50. 5 Pre-lit holiday trees from Balsam Hill, in an amount not to exceed $4,396.98.


d. RESOLUTION - Accepting a proposal from Associated Technical Services (ATS) for the 2017 Water Leak Survey, Valve Exercising Program and creating GIS Valve and Hydrant Database in the amount of $81,826.82. Included is a per unit cost for the Leak Location Phase in the amount of $395.00 per mainline or service leak, and $95 per fire hydrant leak or mainline valve for a total amount not to exceed $14,500.00.

Mr. Dan Gombac, Director reported that the leak survey program includes two phases surveying water main and second including the pinpointing of leaks found in the system. He reported that the proposed quote from ATS is structured so that they are motivated to find as many leaks as possible.

There was no one in the audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion and it was seconded by Alderman Chlystek approval accepting a proposal from Associated Technical Services (ATS) for the 2017 Water Leak Survey, Valve Exercising Program and creating GIS Valve and Hydrant Database in the amount of $81,826.82. Included is a per unit cost for the Leak Location Phase in the amount of $395.00 per mainline or service leak, and $95 per fire hydrant leak or mainline valve for a total amount not to exceed $14,500.00.


e. PZC - Solar Codes - Approval of amendments to the zoning and building codes in regards to solar panel installations.

Mr. Steven Manning, City Planner reported on the SolSmart program. He reported that staff has been working with the MMC SolSmart staff and 11 other communities in the Chicago area and over 100 communities nationwide to review codes, permit procedures, and best practices for possible adoption. Mr. Manning stated that by amending the codes and posting a permit plan submittal checklist and Darien will achieve a Bronze designation.

Mr. Manning stated that staff is recommending approval of the ordinance adopting the 2015 International Solar Energy Provisions code with one amendment substituting the reference to IL Plumbing Code for the reference to the International Plumbing Code and to direct the PZC to hold a public hearing to make recommendations on a zoning code text amendment regarding solar panels as a permitted accessory use.

There was no one in audience wishing to present public comment.

Alderman Belczak made a motion and it was seconded by Alderman Chlystek approval accepting amendments to the zoning and building codes in regards to solar panel installations.


f. PZC - PZC 2017-03 - Approval of a variation to the Darien Zoning Code for rear yard setback for their proposed pool, pool deck, patio, and retaining wall-8185 Chapman Ct.

Mr. Steven Manning, City Planner reported that the petitioner Mr. George Deolitsis is seeking approval of a variation for a rear yard setback to construct a pool, pool deck, patio, and retaining wall. He reported that the existing above-ground pool and deck was built prior to 2016 without a permit and encroaches into the easement and required setback. He further reported that the proposal will be replaced with a larger in-ground pool surrounded by a larger permeable paver patio around the pool elevated by a retaining wall with a wrought iron fence on top. Mr. Manning stated that the petitioner proposes to replace the elevated wooden deck across the rear of the house.

Mr. Manning reported that the pool and patio would be located in the drainage and detention easement and would be setback 11 feet from the rear property line instead of the required 20 feet. He stated that the grading plan proposes swales on both sides of the lot to compensate for the loss of stormwater detention and that the City Engineer reviewed the grading plan and verified that the swales would provide sufficient compensatory storage of stormwater.

Alderman Belczak made a motion and it was seconded by Alderman Chlystek approval of a variation to the Darien Zoning Code for rear yard setback for their proposed pool, pool deck, patio, and retaining wall-8185 Chapman Ct.


g. Minutes - September 25, 2017 Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Alderman Chlystek made a motion and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak approval of the minutes of the September 25, 2017 Municipal Services Committee Meeting.



With no further business before the Committee, Alderman Marchese made a motion and it was seconded by Alderman Belczak to adjourn. Upon voice vote, THE MOTION CARRIED unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 6: 57 p.m.
