
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kinzler has plan to stop the Illinois exodus


Jay Kinzler Facebook photo

Jay Kinzler Facebook photo

If elected to the Illinois House, Jay Kinzler says he will target high taxes that have been driving residents out of the state. 

"A lot of the people that are leaving ... are hard-working, tax-paying residents," Kinzler told the DuPage Policy Journal. "They own businesses and are contributors to the welfare of everyone else that is here. What we have to do instead of making it difficult for them to stay here by putting roadblocks and regulations and more penalties and more financial obstacles in their way, we need to welcome them and encourage them and make them want to stay in Illinois. Then that is going to be good for everybody.

The Glen Ellyn Republican's comments came after the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released data showing that the state lost approximately 86,100 residents over the last year. That is an all-time high, according to the IRS, and that works out to a loss of $4.75 billion in revenue for Illinois. 

Kinzler said that loss of people and revenue makes life harder for all residents. 

“When these people are here, they are the ones that create jobs for other people who can then support their families and buy their homes and pay for their expenses,” Kinzler said.

Kinzler said it is his goal to tackle the problems that are driving people to other states.

“The way that we are going to have success is lower the income tax rate, lower the property taxes," he said. “Illinois pays the highest property tax in the whole country; almost three times the national average.”

He said if elected he would bring taxes in Illinois down to the national average. 

“Then not only hold the line on property taxes but actually reduce them," he said. "I have done that as the president of the Glen Ellyn Park District for two years in a row."

He also said he would make it his goal to have a government that spends only what it can afford. 

“We want to have a fiscally sound government structure that can actually support the needs of the state," Kinzler said. "You don’t do that by spending more than you bring in and driving out the people who are able to help you accomplish those goals and making Illinois a better place to live.”

Kinzler is running for the seat held by Rep. Deb Conroy (D-Villa Park) in District 46, which includes all or part of Glendale Heights, Carol Stream, Addison and Villa Park.