
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Ives described as much firmer in her principles than Rauner

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Dr. Jay Kinzler says he is committed to working with whomever sits in the governor’s chair after next year's election, but he has been impressed by Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton). 

“I think Jeanne is a very hardworking woman," Kinzler told the DuPage Policy Journal. "I think she has done a great job in Springfield. She doesn’t just follow the crowd. She really uses common sense to help guide her judgment."

Ives is currently collecting nominating signatures in anticipation of a run for governor. For his part, Kinzler is running to represent District 46 in the House. The district is within DuPage County, covering Carol Stream, Glendale Heights and Villa Park. 

Jay Kinzler

Gov. Bruce Rauner has been facing intense criticism from his own party recently after his signing of HB40, which permits taxpayer-funded abortions for all nine months of a pregnancy. He had previously said he would veto the bill. He also has been attacked for signing the TRUST Act, a so-called "sanctuary state" bill protecting illegal immigrants; allowing a 15 percent increase in premiums for Obamacare silver health insurance plans; as well as OKing legislation that makes it legal for individuals to change the gender on their birth certificates.

Kinzler said a good leader must serve his base.

“Just because they say they are Republican but then vote or support legislation that is not conservative or not representative of the conservative base they are representing, then I think you need to stand up and stand behind your principles," Kinzler said. "I think that is what she (Ives) is doing and that is why I am impressed by her.”

However, Kinzler stopped short of saying he supported Ives as a candidate because she yet to officially enter the race. If she does, Kinzler said he would be more likely to back her than Rauner, based on track records.

“They have already kind of shown where their stances are and kind of stood behind their principles," he said. "I think she has done a better job of standing behind her principles than he has.”

Regardless, Kinzler said the most important issue for the state remains high taxes, which he vows to fix if elected.

Editor's Note: The original version of this story incorrectly identified the elected office Dr. Jay Kinzler seeks. This has been corrected.