Young adults in West Chicago can learn practical ways to launch a successful professional career from Make Your Way (MYWay), a program sponsored by the DuPage County Workforce Development Division, according to a press release.
The program is currently accepting applications.
Focused on helping those between the ages of 17 and 24 master financial self-management, workplace etiquette, career exploration and other skills, the MYWay program is designed to make participants aware of job opportunities in DuPage County. Speakers from area businesses will provide interview coaching and teach interns about a variety of career-related topics.
Dan Milinko, chairman of the Western DuPage Chamber of Commerce
“The students also take tours of area employers and educational institutions that can be real eye openers,” the release said.
The MYWay program has successfully steered several youth toward successful roles with area companies, the release said, highlighting a young mother who went through the program and landed a role as a computer operator. Another young man used his internship to become a maintenance technician.