
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Butler School District 53 Board met August 28

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Butler School District 53 Board met August 28. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Members Present: Elizabeth Chun, President; Sally Beatty, Vice President, Ahmad Sulaiman, Secretary; Lou Paskalides, Chris Edmond (By Phone) 

Members Absent: James Chow, Cabin Kim 

In Attendance: Heidi Wennstrom, Superintendent

Dr. Chun, Board President, called the Special Meeting of the Board of Education of Butler School District 53 to order in the boardroom at 6:04 p.m.

Reception of Visitors - No requests for comments.

Moved by Dr. Beatty, seconded by Mr. Sulaiman to accept the agenda as presented. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried.

Consent Agenda

1. Approve employment of Samantha Barry, (.5 FTE) LMC Teacher/(.5 FTE) LMC Aide, Brook Forest Elementary, in the amount of $23,805.00 as a teacher plus $15.00 per hour as an aide, for the 2017-2018 school year

2. Approve employment of Christine Grollo, District and School Office Assistant, in the amount of $18.00 per hour, for the 2017-2018 school year

3. Approve employment of Jessica Gunderson, (167 FTE) PE Teacher/(.833 FTE) PE Aide, Butler Junior High, in the amount of $7682.00 as a teacher plus $13.00 per hour as an aide, for the 2017-2018 school year

4. Approve employment of Tyler Yanez, Girls Volleyball Coach, Butler Junior High, in a stipend of $2270.00 for the 2017 fall season

Moved by Mr. Sulaiman, seconded by Mr. Paskalides to approve the Consent agenda as presented.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Dr. Beatty, Mr. Edmonds, Mr. Paskalides, Mr. Sulaiman, Dr. Chun

Nayes: None

Absent: Mr. Chow, Mr. Kim

Motion Carried.

Adjournment Motion by Mr. Edmonds, seconded by Dr. Beatty to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:06 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried.
