
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DuPage County Health and Human Services Committee met October 3.

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DuPage County Health and Human Services Committee met October 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order

10:15 am meeting was called to order by Chair Robert L Larsen at 10:15 am.

2. Roll Call

Present: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

3. Public Comment

No public comments were received at this meeting.

4. Chairman's Report - Chair Larsen


Impact DuPage - Karen Ayala and Sarah Troll

Karen Ayala, Executive Director of the DuPage County Health Department, stated that the State of Illinois requires them to complete a community health needs assessment for certification. A partnership formed to consolidate the efforts to gather this information entities had been gathering separately resulted in an eighteen member Steering Committee of community leaders from all sectors of the community. Impact DuPage is a product of this collaboration, created in January of 2016, with a goal to achieve a common understanding of the needs, gaps and priorities that will advance the well-being of the DuPage County community. Data is collected every three years to determine current health priorities via listening sessions, surveys, and collecting quantitative data.

Ms. Ayala and Sarah Troll, Population Health Coordinator at the DuPage County Health Department, gave a brief tutorial of the features of the Impact DuPage website.

Ms. Ayala asked the committee members to assist the data collection effort by reaching out to their community affiliates and to distribute the link to the electronic survey when launched in January, 2018. The survey will be asking residents about the strengths of DuPage County and the major health issues or risk behaviors.

Ms. Ayala urged the committee members to attend the local system assessment, stating elected officials offer a valuable and needed perspective. One component of this multi factorial assessment evaluates how well our community works together to provide the essential public health services, such as investigating outbreaks, developing policies, and communicating in an emergency.

Finally, she invited committee members to participate by becoming a Steering Committee member to share their perspective, assist with the selection of priority areas, and/or to oversee action plans. Anyone interested should contact Ms. Ayala to be connected with a current Steering Committee member to discuss the nomination process.

5. Approval of Minutes

Health & Human Services - Regular Meeting - Sep 19, 2017 10:15 am

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Greg Hart, District 3

Seconder: Tonia Khouri, District 5

Ayes: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

6. Community Services - Mary Keating

CS Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

A. FI-R-0416-17 Resolution -- Acceptance And Appropriation of the HUD 2016 Continuum of Care Planning Grant PY18 Agreement No. IL0677L5T141600, Company 5000 Accounting Unit 1510, $128,502

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Seconder: Greg Hart, District 3

Ayes: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

B. FI-R-0417-17 Resolution -- Acceptance and Appropriation of The Regional Transportation Authority Job Access and Reverse Commute Grant PY18, Agreement No. S5310-2015-03, Company 5000 Accounting Unit 1710, $321,024

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Seconder: Tonia Khouri, District 5

Ayes: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

7. Dupage Care Center - Janelle Chadwick

A. DuPage Care Center Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

1. HHS-R-0418-17 Resolution -- DuPage Care Center Rate Increase to increase the per patient day charges last fixed by Resolution HHS-R-0644-16 from $292.00 per day to $304.00 per day for Standard Custodial Care, from $315.00 per day to $328.00 per day for Alzheimer’s Special Care, and from $502.00 per day to $522.00 per day for Post-Acute care, effective December 1, 2017.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Tonia Khouri, District 5

Seconder: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Ayes: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

2. HHS-P-0394-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Symbria Rehab, Inc., for Physical, Occupational, Speech and Respiratory Therapy and Consulting Services for the residents at DuPage Care Center, for the period November 1, 2017 through October 31, 2018, for a contract total amount not to exceed $1,200,000.00, per Proposal #P17-119-GV.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Seconder: Greg Hart, District 3

Ayes: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

B. DuPage Care Center Requests for Parent Committee Final Approval

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Greg Hart, District 3

Seconder: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Ayes: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

1. 2017-273 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Direct Supply Inc., for a tilt recliner and transport chair, for the DuPage Care Center, Physical Rehabilitation Department, for the period October 4, 2017 through November 30, 2017, for a contract total amount not to exceed $5,864.00, per lowest responsible quote #Q17-190-GV.

2. Change Order -- Amendment to County Contract 2179-0001 SERV, issued to Dunkin Donuts Inc., for donuts, muffins and bagels, for the DuPage Care Center, JTK Administration Building and the Judicial Office Facility cafe's and catering services, for the period December 1, 2016 through November 30, 2017, to increase encumbrance in the amount of $5,600.00, resulting in an amended contract total amount not to exceed $17,440.00, an Increase of 47.30%.

8. Budget Transfers

Budget Transfers -- Community Services - DuPage Care Center - To allow HFS/IDPH, CDP's, new identification badges, envelopes, materials, and scrubs/polos, with the new DuPage Care Center's logo/name, along with the DuPage Care Center water heater project $35,300.00

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Seconder: Tonia Khouri, District 5

Ayes: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

9. Travel Requests - Overnight - Require County Board Approval

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Greg Hart, District 3

Seconder: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Ayes: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

A. Authorization for Out of State Travel -- Community Services Director to attend the National Association for County Community and Economic Development (NACCED) Executive Committee meetings and meetings with United Stated Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Headquarters senior staff (grant funded) in Washington, D.C., from November 15, 2017 through November 17, 2017. Expenses to include transportation, lodging, miscellaneous expenses (including parking, mileage, etc.), and per diem for approximate total of $1,273.00. Grant funded.

B. Authorization for Out of State Travel -- Community Services - Senior Community Development Specialist to attend the United States Department of Veterans Affairs/HUD Rapid Rehousing Institute for Continuum of Care partners from October 31, 2017 through November 1, 2017 in Los Angeles, California. Expenses to include transportation, lodging, and per diem for approximate total of $1,160.32. Grant funded.

10. Consent Items

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Seconder: Greg Hart, District 3

Ayes: Chaplin, Hart, Khouri, Larsen

Absent: Grant, Tornatore

A. Consent Item -- ARC Insulation, Inc. - 1992 Serv - Decrease and Close

B. Consent Item -- Healthy Air Heating and Air, Inc. - 1991 Serv - Decrease and Close

11. Residency Waivers - Janelle Chadwick

12. Community Services Update - Mary Keating

Mary Keating, Director of Community Services, commented on the merger of Psychological Services into the DuPage County Health Department. Ms. Keating stated that Karen Ayala, Executive Director of the Health Department, and Diana Uchiyama, Administrator of Psychological Services, are working on details including licensing, Medicaid billing, and regulatory issues, with a goal to complete the merger in 2018.

By streamlining services, this merger will benefit Psychological Services by allowing a more integrated approach to clients' behavioral mental health needs, both individually and in groups.

The clients will gain better access to primary care for physical health needs. Financially, the Health Department has the resources for the Medicaid billing and contracting beyond the scope of Psychological Services, which will create additional revenue in the unit. Finally, the merger will provide the clinicians an expansion in professional development opportunities.

The concept is for Psychological Services to remain in the general fund for the 2018 budget and, when details are finalized, enter into an intergovernmental agreement or memorandum of understanding with the Health Department, authorizing the Medicaid revenue generated for services rendered will be split between the Health Department and Psychological Services.

Ms. Keating answered all questions from the committee members.

13. DuPage Care Center Update - Janelle Chadwick

Janelle Chadwick, Administrator of the DuPage Care Center, stated the Annual Health Survey and Life Safety Co. surveys were both completed with a positive outcome. The Care Center is working to get their plans and corrections submitted, assuming corrections will be minimal, both financially and in task, to sustain their Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) fivestar rating.

The 50th Annual Fall Festival raised approximately $31,000 to benefit the DuPage Care Center Foundation.

The census at the DuPage Care Center has increased to 330 with 22 short stays. The Care Center has a capacity of 346, but due to special needs of isolation and/or behavioral issues, there are less than ten actual beds available, four of them are for short stay.

Ms. Chadwick answered all questions from the committee.

14. Old Business

Member Chaplin followed up on the discussion of Tobacco at twenty-one. Ms. Chaplin mentioned several individual communities and counties with ordinances prohibiting the purchase of tobacco under twenty-one and added Lake County recently passed a county ordinance to change the tobacco purchase age to twenty-one. She added that Kane County is considering the same measure and has a posting on their website.

Chairman Larsen responded he will look at the information from Lake County. Mr. Larsen added that this is a consideration of a tradeoff of liberty versus health and expressed his concern that if individuals are old enough to serve their country in combat, should they be denied the choice to use tobacco?

15. New Business

Member Chaplin stated there is a bill in Congress, HR367, also known as the Hearing Protection Act, that will strip the regulation of silencers on guns. She mentioned several agencies that oppose the deregulation of silencers and asked the HHS Committee to back opposition to this bill, by taking their wishes to the legislative committee. Chairman Larsen stated he had no opposition to this suggestion. Member Khouri stated that this requires the will of the committee to make this recommendation to the legislative committee, which she would not support. Discussion ensued. Member Hart expressed his support to take this matter to the legislative committee for discussion.

Chairman Larsen requested staff to put together a recommendation for language to take up at the next HHS Committee meeting as an action item to determine if the HHS Committee should make a formal committee recommendation to the Legislative Committee for investigation. Member Hart, referring to a presentation by SCARCE at the Intergovernmental Committee last week, stated there is an increased prevalence in medical waste in trash, specifically syringes, which have harmed sanitary professionals. Mr. Hart asked if the HHS Committee could work with partnering agencies to address this issue.

Chairman Larsen replied that the Health Department has established policies and procedures, and the manufacturers also have exchange programs. Mr. Larsen added that staff is gathering information and sharing resources regarding this topic, and part of the solution is to educate individuals of options.

16. Informational Items

Grant Proposal Notifications -- RTA Job Access & Reverse Commute Grant PY18 - $321,024

Chairman Larsen requested a motion to receive and place the GPN for the RTA Job Access and Reverse Commute Program Grant PY18 on file. Member Chaplin so moved, Member Hart seconded, motion carried, all ayes.

17. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.
