
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mother who fought for Christians worldwide wants to lead Illinois' 49th District

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Tonia Khouri says she has the experience, leadership and courage to replace Rep. Mike Fortner (R-West Chicago), who is retiring as the representative from the 49th District.

The wife and mother told the DuPage Policy Journal that she believes she is well-equipped to serve after lobbying for House Resolution 407, a bill to help halt worldwide Christian persecution.

“I had to take action, so we gathered our three children -- Stephanie, Tony and Paul -- loaded them in the family car and traveled the country lobbying for a bill that would protect these Christians from persecution,” Khouri wrote. “When the bill was introduced and moved forward, it reminded me that this is the United States of America; and although our government is big, when we have the courage to stand up, stand together and take action, we can make a difference.” 

Tonia Khouri

In lllinois, Khouri wants to fight for property tax relief, government reform and accountability in Springfield. She said Illinois has the nation's highest property tax rates, which continue to increase even though families cannot keep up.

“As I knock on doors and hear from residents in the district, the overwhelming complaint I hear is how high property taxes are burdening hard-working taxpayers and forcing families to leave the state,” she wrote. “We can accomplish property tax relief by stopping unfunded mandates, consolidation in local governments, and a 1 percent hard cap (as percentage of home value) forcing the state government to properly fund K-12 education, one of the state's primary functions, as outlined in the state Constitution, just like the red state of Indiana and blue state of California.” 

Khouri said that as a DuPage County board member, she has never voted for a tax increase. 

“We have cut our overall budget by $36.5 million, saving taxpayers an estimated $110 million through shared services, joint procurement and consolidation,” she wrote. “That’s how you balance a budget: by cutting spending and reforming how government operates.” 

Government reform and accountability come next, she said.

“Springfield recently added to our burden with a 32 percent income tax hike without any reforms," she wrote. "It's time to represent the people's interests and hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. I'm going to Springfield to defend our homes, represent the people's interests and stop the raising of our property taxes."