
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met May 18.

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Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met May 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Elected Officials Present:

President Spande. Clerk Mareachen, Trustee Greer, Trustee Hogan, Trustee Longacre, Trustee McCurdy, Trustee Mustes, Trustee Sorgatz

Elected Officials Excused: None

Others Present

Curt Barrett, Village Manager David Schar, Police Chief

Kathie Elliott, Willage Attorney Dan Watson, Engineer Rempe-Sharpe

Lynn McCammon, Finance Director Tye Loomis, Public Works Director

Peter Krumins, Development Coordinator

At 6:45 pm Trustee Mustes was given the Oath of Office. At 7:00 P.M. the meeting was called to order, the roll was called and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Public Comments:

Rich Loechel thanked the council for approving St John's petition for the Homeless shelter. He further promoted the Winfield Wide Garage Sale. He said it will be held on June 8" and June 9 with a free concert happening Friday June 9" at St Johns,

Consent Agenda:

A. Motion approving payment of bills for May 18, 2017.

B. Motion approving participation in the DuPage County road salt joint purchasing program.

The Village purchases road salt through both the state and county joint purchase programs to diversify risk of high prices and supply shortages. This year's price secured through the county bid came in at a competitive $51.49 perton.

C. Motion approving the budgeted purchase of a 2017 Ford Police interceptor through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative from Curry Motors of Frankfort, DL in the not-toexceed amount of $27,908 to be expensed to the FY 17-18 Capital Improvement Fund.


Trustee Hogan made the motion and Trustee Mustes seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.

Non-Consent Agenda (7)


Trustee Mustes aluade the motion and Trustee McCurdy seconded the motion to approve an ordinance authorizing a purchase order for additional roadwork as part of the 2017 Street Improvement Program in the not-to-exceed amount of $180,000, to be expensed to the FY 17-18 Capital Improvement Fund. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.


Village Engineer Dan Watson presented information on including additional work for the 2017 Street Improvement Program. Geneva Construction submitted the lowest of three bids received, coming in twenty one percent below the Village Engineer's estimate of costs. With the very competitive pricing and funds still available in the budget, staff recommend considering additional road sections for the 2017 program, Engineer Watson discussed the fact that because the pricing was below the budget the Board could approve additional work for the great price.

Trustee Comments & Reports of Committees and independent communications with developers Trustee Mustes commented that Trustee Bajor will be missed as a Trustee serving on the Board.

Trustee Sorgatz asked about the water main work in Winfield Road. It was discussed that the hump in the road is better than it was, and the Village is still waiting as the hump decreases.

Trustee McCurdy announced the Winfield Wide Garage Sale and encouraged residents to participate.

Other Village Officials’ Reports and Comments

Village President Spande discussed the May 20th River Sweep. He stated that they will be meeting in the Parking Lot of Hodges Station and the river will be swept clean.

Village Finance Director McCammon provided the Treasurer's Report for April.


At 7:25 pm Trustee Greer made the motion and Trustee Mustes seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting into the Committee of the Whole. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.
