
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met June 15.

Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met June 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Elected Officials Present:

President Spande. Clerk Mareachen, Trustee Greer, Trustee Hogan, Trustee Longacre, Trustee McCurdy, Trustee Mustes, Trustee Sorgatz

Elected Officials Excused: None

Others Present

Curt Barrett, Willage Manager David Schar, Police Chief

David Freeman, Willage Attorney Dan Watson, Engineer Rempe-Sharpe

Lynn McCammon, Finance Director Tye Loomis, Public Works Director

Peter Krumins, Development Coordinator

Audience Participation-

Karen Skillman, a resident on Winfield Road, discussed the success of the Winfield Wide Garage Sale,

Dawn Gallichio, the owner of Antiques of Winfield, discussed the construction and the parking spots in front of her business which will be reserved for “Business Use Only."

Consent Agenda-

A. Motion approving minutes from the Village Board and Committee of the Whole meeting held on June 1, 2017.

B. Motion approving payment of bills for June 15, 2017.

C. Motion approving a contract with Denler Inc. of Mokena, IL to perform crack-sealing services in the notto-exceed amount of $45,200, to be expensed to the FY 17-18 Capital Improvement Fund.

Competitive pricing for this budgeted item is available through the DuPage Municipal Purchasing Initiative (MPI) joint purchasing program. Denler Inc. provided the lowest responsive bid and has performed satisfactory work for the Willage in the past. The pricing through the MPI is 14 percentless per unit than previously paid by the Village, and reduces engineering costs as well.

D. Motion approving the Annual Prevailing Wage Ordinance.

As required by state law, each June the Village adopts the updated prevailing wage scale that contractors must pay for labor on public works contracts.

E. Motion approving the following appointments recommended by the Village President:

Plan Commission:

-Hubert Loftus for a term expiring July 31, 2019

-William Faedtke for a term expiring July 31, 2020

-William Kovacs for a term expiring July 31, 2020

Board of Fire & Police Commissioners

-Debbie Cox for a term expiring April 30, 2020


Trustee Mustes made the notion and Trustee McCurdy seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.

Non-Consent Agenda (7-9)

Village Manager Curt Barrett presented information on the proposed parking agreement and temporary use request from Antiques of Winfield. He discussed that the Village is scheduled to resurface the section of Beecher Street between Church Street and Winfield Road, and plans to extend sidewalk to fill in the current sidewalk gap on the south side of Beecher Street, which runs along right-of-way in front of the Shell Station and Antiques of Winfield. This plan calls for installing curbs, sidewalk, and curb cuts where appropriate to create a safer sidewalk route to mitigate the impact on the business owner, the Village worked with the owner to collaborate on a number of improvements. These proposals were discussed at the April 26, 2017 Public Works Committee with consensus reached to move forward finalizing arrangements for Village Board review, These items were reviewed by the Village Board at its June 1, 2017 Committee of the Whole, with direction to proceed forward to a formal vote.


Trustee Sorgatz made the Lotion and Trustee Longacre seconded the motion to approve a license agreement for the use of parking spaces with Antiques of Winfield. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.


Trustee Greer made the Emotion and Trustee Mustes seconded the motion to approve a temporary use application from Antiques of Winfield to use the Village lot adjacent to the east of Antiques of Winfield for up to three special sales events per year through 2020. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.


Trustee Hogan made the motion and Trustee Mustes seconded the motion to approve a resolution determining to levy an additional tax of 0.02% of value of all taxable property located within the corporate limits of the Village of Winfield for the purpose of providing Library building maintenance, equipment, repair, etc. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.

Finance Director Lynn McCammon presented information on this request by the Winfield Public Library, which by state statute may annually compel Willage Board approval to levy a building and maintenance tax on properties which this year would yield approximately $47,000, to be used specifically on Library facilities.

Finance Director Lynn McCammon presented information on amendments to both the current and previous annual budgets. An amendment to the FY 2016-2017 budget is required to reflect additional costs related to the Special Census project enumerators payroll as well as an additional transfer to the capital project fund. The amendment to the FY 2017-2018 budget is required annually to account for grant awards not confirmed at budget time, open purchase orders for items not received by the end of the last fiscal year, and carryover projects to be completed in the new fiscal year. These items were reviewed by the Village Board at its June 1, 2017 Committee of the Whole.


Trustee Greer made the motion and Trustee McCurdy seconded the motion to approve an ordinance amending the annual budget for the Village of Winfield for the fiscal year commencing May 1, 2016 and ending April 30, 2017. All the Trustees voted in favor and the notion passed.


Trustee Sorgatz made the motion and Trustee Mustes seconded the Motion to approve an ordinance amending the annual budget for the Village of Winfield for the fiscal year commeneing May 1, 2017 and ending April 30, 2018. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.

Trustee Comments & Reports of Committees and independent communications with developers Trustee Mustes discussed Father's Day and Grandfather's Day on Sunday.

Village President wished a happy Fourth of July to the residents.

Village Manager stated that the Village Board meeting for July 6' has been cancelled,

Village Finance Director Treasurer's Report for May


Trustee McCurdy made the motion and Trustee Longacre seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting, All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed. At 7:25 the Meeting Adjourned to the Committee of the Whole.
