
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met July 20.

Webp meetingroom05

Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met July 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Elected Officials Present:

President Spande. Clerk Mareachen, Trustee Greer, Trustee Hogan, Trustee Longacre, Trustee McCurdy, Trustee Mustes, Trustee Sorgatz

Elected Officials Excused: President Spande Participated in the Beginning of the Meeting Electronically,

Others Present:

Curt Barrett, Willage Manager David Schar, Police Chief

Kathie Elliott, Willage Attorney Jim Bibby, Engineer Rempe-Sharpe

Lynn McCammon, Finance Director Tye Loomis, Public Works Director

Peter Krumins, Development Coordinator

At 7:00 Clerk Mareachen called the meeting to order. She acknowledged President Spande who was away on business but able to participate electronically by phone. She called the roll and the Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.


Trustee Greer made the motion and Trustee Longacre seconded the motion to allow president Spande to participate by phone. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.


Trustee Greer made the motion and Trustee McCurdy seconded the motion to move iteral 7 to the beginning of the Agenda. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.


Trustee Greer made the motion and Trustee McCurdy seconded the motion to approve the President's nomination of Trustee Phil Mustes as the designated President Pro Tem. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.


Pursuant to state statute, this action designates a Village Trustee to fulfill duties of the office in the absence or disability of the Village President,

Upon approve of the motion President Spande turned the proceedings over to President Pro Tem Mustes and ended his call.

Public Comments:

Police Chief David Schar provided an overview of the police testing and training process, and new Winfield Police Officer William Chapman was sworn in by Village Clerk Anne Mareachen.

Joan, a resident of Highlake Condos, acknowledged the Village for repairs to the turn lane into the Highlake Condo association.

Bob Borsodi, a resident, asked The Village Board about Agenda Item #8, the demolition project cost sharing agreement with Northwestern.

Consent Agenda

A. Motion approving minutes from the Village Board and Committee of the Whole meeting held on June 15, 2017.

B. Motion approving payment of bills for July 20, 2017.

C. Motion retroactively approving a temporary use permit for outdoor activities associated with the Prairie Path Cycles 25th Anniversary Celebration held at Prairie Path Cycles on June 25, 2017,


Trustee Sorgatz made the motion and Trustee Hogan seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.

Non-Consent Agenda (7-8)


Trustee Greer made the motion and Trustee Hogan seconded the motion to approve a demolition project cost sharing agreement with Northwestern Medicine - Central DuPage Hospital. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.


Village Manager Curt Barrett presented information on the proposed agreement with Northwestern Medicine - Central DuPage Hospital (NM-CDH) to demolish two residences owned by the Village in Town Center. The Village utilized Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds in the past to purchase these currently vacant properties in Town Center for future redevelopment. NM-CDH has also acquired properties in this area for the same purpose. In discussions with the hospital, plans were reached to partner on the demolition project. Per the agreement, NM-CDH will serve as lead agency, responsible for the project contract and management. Project work includes asbestos testing, demolition and debris removal, utility disconnections, and restoration, NM-CDH has secured three competitive bids for the Village portion of demolition work, with a low bid of $56,484, plus any asbestos abatement expenses pending testing. The Village will reimburse the hospital for the Willage's share of expenses. The Willage Attorney has reviewed this agreement, which staff recommends for Village Board approval.

Trustee Comments & Reports of Committees and independent communications with developers

Trustee McCurdy discussed the new park and the water features that the Park district has created.

Other Willage Officials' Reports and Comments

Village Manager Barrett commented that Winfield ranked 30' out of 250 for top credit score in the Midwest.

Village Finance Director McCammon provided the treasurer's Report for June.


Trustee Hogan made the motion and Trustee McCurdy to adjourn to the Committee of the Whole at 7:30 pm. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.
