
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met June 1.

Village of Winfield Village Board of Trustees met June 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Elected Officials Present:

President Spande, Clerk Mareachen, Trustee Greer, Trustee Hogan, Trustee Longacre, Trustee McCurdy, Trustee Mustes, Trustee Sorgatz

Elected Officials Excused: None

Others Present

Curt Barrett, Village Manager David Schar, Police Chief

David Freeman, Willage Attorney Dan Watson, Engineer Rempe-Sharpe

Lynn McCammon, Finance Director Tye Loomis, Public Works Director

Peter Krumins, Development Coordinator

At 7:00 the meeting was called to order. The roll was called and the pledge of allegiance was said,


Trustee Greer made the motion and Trustee Hogan seconded the motion to go into Executive Session for purposes of discussing personnel matters. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed,

At 8:25 pm the meeting reconvened into regular session,

Audience Participation:

Dawn Galichio the owner of Antiques of Winfield, discussed the parking at Antiques of Winfield. She further discussed the special use application

Jim Hughes, discussed the Winfield wide garage sale, June 9" and 10. He stated that registration is at the Antiques of Winfield. Trustee Hughes pointed out the ambulance traffic on Winfield Road. He asked about interest in paving the shoulders of Winfield Road. He further asked about possible pavers for parking next to Antiques of Winfield.


Trustee Greer made the motion and Trustee McCurdy seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the omission of Item D. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.

Consent Agenda:

A. Motion approving minutes from the Village Board meetings held on May 4, 2017 and May 18, 2017 as well as the Committee of the Whole meeting held May 18, 2017.

B. Motion approving payment of bills for June 1, 2017.

C. Motion approving a temporary use permit for the St. John the Baptist Corpus Christi Sunday Procession to be held in the Willage on June 18, 2017.

(Item D was removed)

E. Motion approving a change order request for the 2017 Willage Hall Roof and Gutter Replacement Project to include an additional $1,484 in needed roofrepairs, for a revised total contract cost of $36,274 to be expensed to the FY 17-18 Capital Improvement Fund.

Additional roof damage was discovered around the clocktower of Village Hall that was not previously evident. Repairing this damage added $1,484 to the project cost due to additional labor and materials.


Trustee Hogan made the motion and Trustee McCurdy seconded the motion to approve a Resolution approving and Employment Agreement with the Village Manager with added language, All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.

Non-Consent Agenda (7)


Trustee Greer made the Emotion and Trustee Hogan seconded the motion to approve a collective bargaining agreemeat between the Willage of Winfield and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police representing Winfield Police Sergeants for a term running from May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2020. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.


Police Chief David Schar presented information on the proposed contract with the Police Sergeants union.

There were no Trustee Comments & Reports of Committees and independent communications with developers

Other Village Oficialso Reports and Comments Willage Manager Barrett thanked the Board for the contract approval.


At 8:48 pm Trustee Hogan made the motion and Trustee McCurdy seconded the motion to adjourn to the Committee of the Whole. All the Trustees voted in favor and the motion passed.
