
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Aurora Airport Advisory Board met June 12.

Webp meet

City of Aurora Airport Advisory Board met July 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Armbruster.

II. Members Present: Mr. Armbruster, Mr. Baker, Mr. Fank, Mr. Dorf, Mr. Rudigier, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Lieser

Members Excused: Mr. Davis, Mr. Koster

Members Absent: Mr. Bonifas

Reps Present: Mr. Andras

Others Present: Mayor Irvin, Kyle Peabody, Mike Warner

III. A motion was made by Mr. Fank, seconded by Mr. Rudigier, to accept the minutes of the April 10, 2017 meeting of the Airport Advisory Board. The motion carried unanimously.

IV. Committee Reports

A. Finance – No report B. Planning and Ops – No report

V. Old Business

A. Sugar Grove Update – Mr. Wolf reported an Auto Zone is being built in front of Jewel, Dunkin Donuts will open in the next month or two, and a Culvers will be opening a location in the Village.

B. Promoting Future Growth – Mr. Fank reported the new airport website is up.

C. Draft Airport Rate Study – Mr. Armbruster suggested he and Mr. Andras meet prior to the next board meeting to review and put together a final report to submit to the Mayor’s office.

D. EFM Operating Agreement Extension – Mr. Armbruster reported the agreement was passed by City Council. To be removed from agenda.

E. TEAM Advantage Limited Operator Contract – Mr. Armbruster reported the contract was passed by City Council. To be removed from agenda.

F. Drone Business Opportunities – No report

G. Airfield Signage Project – Mr. Peabody reported that bids will be opened on Friday. Once a contractor is awarded the project, the work should begin within 60 days.

H. Airport Entrance Sign – Mr. Andras reported that the City received two responses to the RFP for Qualifications. The responses are still under review.

I. Sugar Grove Park District (Ball Field Sale) – Mr. Andras reported that the City is still awaitin final approval for the sale from the FAA.

VI. New Business – No new business was brought before the board.

VII. Other Business

A. Mayor Irvin – At the start of the meeting, Mr. Armbruster introduced Mayor Irvin to the board. Mayor Irvin expressed his desire to have a plan in place to move the airport forward and sees the airport as a transportation asset to the City of Aurora. Mr. Armbruster stated that the board has been working on ideas for increasing revenue at the airport. Mr. Armbruster plans to complete the report and submit it to the Mayor’s office for review and direction.

B. Privatization of Control Tower – Mr. Dorf mentioned he has read recent articles about the potential for privatizing air traffic control and inquired if it would affect ARR. Many members feel that eventually it could affect ARR but they feel that more than likely this would not happen in the short term. Mr. Lieser added that if it does happen at some point, it should not affect the level of service.

C. SGFPD – Mr. Warner requested that when new types of aircraft are basing at the field, the fire protection district be made aware so they are prepared to properly respond to any incident that may occur.

A motion was made by Mr. Dorf, seconded by Mr. Rudigier, to adjourn the June 12, 2017 meeting of the Aurora Municipal Airport Advisory Board at 6:40 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.
