
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

City of Aurora Public Art Commission met June 7.

Webp meeting 11

City of Aurora Public Art Commission met June 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Members Present: Julie Gervais, Nafisa Husain, Melissa Mercado, Landa

Midgley, Gail Piccolo, Jane Regnier, John Stanicek

Members not Present: Chris Hoban, Alexis Cardenas

GUEST: Kim Granholm (Aurora Fastprint President) and 12

Audience Members

Director/Curator: Rena Church

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 4:04.

Review of Mural Application by Kim Granholm:

Kim presented visuals of the mural designed by Cheryl Holz. The mural will be on the back side of Kim’s building and it will be two stories high and 25 yards wide. The mural will combine black PVC panels, metals for the dragonfly, paints, and incorporation of an existing stairwell to represent the river. Each of the elements is historic and representative of Aurora. Images of linden leaves, prairie grasses, and turtles are combined with a blues guitar, and some of the first musical notes and lyrics from Good Morning Little Schoolgirl. The paint splotches represent the art studio in the building and the constellations will hopefully glow at night. The piece will be three dimensional with the word Aurora on the top. The installation timeline is set for the end of summer. The mural will take at least 5 days to install.

Comments from the audience included praise for “a unique piece of art that is a symbol of the Fox Valley and a benchmark for the art to follow.”

Review of Mural Ordinance – Modifications to Section 8

Rena Church distributed the Ordinance to the APAC Board. The Board reviewed the requirements and received some clarification from Kim Granholm regarding ongoing maintenance and installation.

A vote was taken and all seven board members approved the mural.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:32.

Next Meeting:

Thursday, July 20 4:30
