
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Aurora Veterans Advisory Council met April 20.

City of Aurora Veterans Advisory Council met April 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

1. Call to Order Call to Order

The Aurora Veterans Advisory Council, Meeting #52 was called to order at 5:30 pm by Vice Chair Garcia.

2. Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was proudly proclaimed by the entire membership present. Post the Pledge of Allegiance, a brief “Moment of Silence” was observed for our fallen.

3. Roll Call Roll Call

Roll call was taken by Chuck Nelson. The results of the roll call are indicated above. Vice Chair Garcia noted that only 5 AVAC members are present, therefore we do not have a quorum to vote.

4. Mission Statement Mission Statement Mission Statement

Mr. McKnight recited the AVAC mission statement.

5. Ap 5. Approval of the proval of the proval of the March2017Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes

Approval of the March 2017 Meeting Minutes was suspended for lack of a quorum.

6. Trea$urer’s Report Trea$urer’s Report

Vice Chair/Trea$urer Garcia presented the treasurer’s report.

7. Vets Week Aurora Vets Week Aurora Vets Week Aurora 2017

Vice Chair Garcia went through each day of events for Vets Week 2017 in detail.

8. Next Scheduled Scheduled ScheduledMeeting Date Meeting Date Meeting Date

The next meeting of the AVAC was announced for May18, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. at AMVETS Post 103, 1194 Jericho Road, Aurora.

9. AVAC Calendar AVAC Calendar AVAC Calendar

See the AVAC Facebook page for upcoming Military and Veteran events in the area.


10. Adjournment Adjournment Adjournment

Vice Chair Garcia adjourned meeting #52 at 6:45 p.m.
