
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Willowbrook Board of Trustees met June 12

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Village of Willowbrook Board of Trustees met June 12.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at the hour of 6:30 p.m. by Mayor

Frank Trilla.

2. Roll Call

Those present at roll call were Mayor Frank Trilla, Village Clerk

Leroy Hansen, Trustees Sue Berglund, Umberto Davi, Terrence Kelly,

Michael Mistele, Gayle Neal, and Paul Oggerino.

Absent: None

Also present were Village Attorney Thomas Bastian, Village

Administrator Timothy Halik, Chief Mark Shelton, Deputy Chief

Robert Schaller, Police Consultant Robert Pavelchik, Jr., Director

of Finance Carrie Dittman, Assistant to the Village Administrator

Garrett Hummel, Deputy Clerk Cindy Stuchl, and Planning Consultant

Anna Franco.

A Quorum was Declared

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Trilla asked Chief Shelton to lead everyone in saying the

Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Visitors’ Business

None Presented.

5. Omnibus Vote Agenda

a. Waive Reading of Minutes (Approve)

b. Minutes – Regular Board Meeting – May 22, 2017 (Approve)

c. Minutes – Closed Session Meeting – February 27, 2017


d. Minutes – Closed Session Meeting – March 13, 2017


e. Warrants – $423,260.26 (Approve)

f. Monthly Financial Report – May 31, 2017 (Approve)

g. Ordinance – An Ordinance Declaring Surplus Property and

Authorizing the Sale of the Same – Ordinance No. 17-O-10


h. Resolution – A Resolution Awarding the Fiscal Year

2017/18 Motor Fuel Tax Roadway Maintenance Program

Contract to M&J Asphalt Paving Company Inc. in the

Amount of $144,991.88 – Resolution No. 17-R-34A (Adopt)

i. Motion – Board Advice and Consent to Mayor’s Appointment

to Fill a Vacancy in the Plan Commission (Pass)

j. Motion to Approve – Village Hall Water Tank Re-Coating

Project: Payout #1, Partial Payment – Tecorp Inc.


k. Motion to Approve – Willow Pond Park Renovation Project:

Payout #1, Partial Payment Clauss Brothers Inc. (Pass)

l. Plan Commission Recommendation – Public Hearing 17-02:

Consideration of a petition for a special use approval

of an approximate 18,800 square foot “Indoor Auto Sales”

use in the M-1 Zoning District – Barbara Motorworks,

Ltd., 640 Joliet Road, Willowbrook, Illinois (Receive)

Mayor Trilla asked the Board if there were any items to be removed

from the Omnibus Vote Agenda

Motion: Made by Trustee Mistele and seconded by Trustee Kelly to

approve the Omnibus Vote Agenda as presented.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustees Berglund, Davi, Kelly, Mistele,

Neal, and Oggerino. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Motion Declared Carried

New Business

6. Ordinance – An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for

an Indoor Auto Sales Use in The M-1 Zoning District – Pc

17-02: 640 Joliet Road, Barbara Motorworks, Ltd

.Planning Consultant Franco related that the petitioner of this

property wishes to renew his vehicle dealers license and update

the address to his building located at 640 Joliet Road. Mr. Fred

Barbara is a car collector and attends many auctions. Mr. Barbara

prefers to handle the transactions as a vehicle dealer. Without

the approved special use ordinance that will allow for indoor auto

sales, Mr. Barbara would not be allowed to obtain his license

through the State of Illinois.

Mr. Barbara does not intend to operate an indoor auto retail

business. The Plan Commission recommended this special use and

included restrictions that does not allow the building to look

like a traditional auto dealership and to ensure that any future

auto sales that may occur will be consummated at this location for

sales tax purposes.

Mayor Trilla questioned if this zoning approval would stay with

the property if the building was sold. Consultant Franco advised

that it would; this was confirmed by Attorney Bastian.

Motion: Made by Trustee Mistele and seconded by Trustee Oggerino

to pass Ordinance No. 17-O-11 as presented.

Previous Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustees Berglund, Davi, Kelly,

Mistele, Neal, and Oggerino. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Motion Declared Carried

7. Ordinance – Annual Appropriation Ordinance, Village of

Willowbrook, Dupage County, Illinois, For The Fiscal Year

 Beginning May 1, 2017 and Ending April 30, 2018

Director Dittman stated that the Village is required to comply

with the State Appropriation Act and each year must adopt an

appropriation ordinance within the first quarter of the fiscal

year. The appropriation ordinance provides the Village the legal

authority to expend funds. After the ordinance is passed, a copy

of the appropriation ordinance must be filed with the DuPage County

Clerk within 30 days.

Motion: Made by Trustee Mistele and seconded by Trustee Berglund

to pass Ordinance No. 17-O-12 as presented.

Previous Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustees Berglund, Davi, Kelly,

Mistele, Neal, and Oggerino. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Motion Declared Carried

8. Presentation – Dupage Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, Beth

Marchetti & Mirium Blumenthal

Beth Marchetti, CEO and Executive Director for the DuPage

Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, along with Director of Strategic

Partnerships Mirium Blumenthal, gave a presentation on what the

Bureau offers and reviewed their website. Mayor Trilla and the

Board of Trustees thanked Ms. Marchetti for her work.

 Prior Business

9. Committee Reports

Trustee Neal had no report.

Trustee Kelly advised that during the Public Safety Committee

meeting earlier in the evening, he toured the renovated police

station and expressed that a wonderful job was done on the


Trustee Mistele had no report.

Trustee Berglund introduced the new Plan Commission member, Maciej


Trustee Davi stated that he appreciated the availability of the

Village Attorney and Village Staff during recent gun club issues

and thanked each trustee on how well everything was handled.

Trustee Oggerino had no report.

10. Attorney's Report

Attorney Bastian had no report.

11. Clerk's Report

Clerk Hansen had no report.

12. Administrator's Report

Administrator Halik stated that tonight was Chief Shelton’s last

board meeting before his retirement. Administrator Halik thanked

Chief Shelton for his years of service to the Village.

Administrator Halik advised that his last radio call signoff will

be held on Friday, June 16th at 1:30 p.m. at the police station.

13. Mayor's Report

Mayor Trilla thanked Chief Shelton for his 30 years of service.

14. Closed Session

Mayor Trilla stated that there was no need for Closed Session

during tonight’s meeting.

15. Adjournment

Motion: Made by Trustee Mistele and seconded by Trustee Oggerino,

to adjourn the Regular Meeting at the hour of 7:01 p.m.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustees Berglund, Davi, Kelly, Mistele,

Neal, and Oggerino. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Motion Declared Carried
