
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Willowbrook Mayor and Board of Trustees met May 22.

Village of Willowbrook Mayor and Board of Trustees met May 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at the hour of 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Frank Trilla.

2. Roll Call

Those present at roll call were Mayor Frank Trilla, Village Clerk Leroy Hansen, Trustees Sue Berglund, Umberto Davi, Terrence Kelly, Michael Mistele, Gayle Neal, and Paul Oggerino.

Absent: None

Also present were Village Attorney Thomas Bastian, Village Administrator Timothy Halik, Chief Mark Shelton, Deputy Chief Robert Schaller, Director of Finance Carrie Dittman, Assistant to the Village Administrator Garrett Hummel, Deputy Clerk Cindy Stuchl, and Planning Consultant Anna Franco.

A Quorum Was Declared

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Trilla asked Chief Shelton to lead everyone in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Visitors’ Business

None Presented. Any visitor comments pertaining to the gun club were heard during the discussion of Item #6.

5. Omnibus Vote Agenda

a. Waive Reading of Minutes (Approve)

b. Minutes – Regular Board Meeting – May 8, 2017 (Approve)

c. Warrants – $312,498.23 (Approve)

d. Resolution – A Resolution Waiving the competitive Bidding Process and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Certain Agreement – New Village Phone System – Midco Inc. – Resolution No. 17-R-33(Adopt)

e. Resolution – A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator’s Acceptance of Project Change Order Number 40 – the Removal of Debris and Over-Excavation of Carport Piers, Project Change Order Number 41 – the Installation of Four (4) Additional Data Outlets, and Project Change Order Number 42 – Asphalt Contractor Re- Mobilization Costs, and Ratifying and Confirming the Village Administrator’s Prior Execution of Said Change Orders – Resolution No. 17-R-34(Adopt)

f. Motion – Board Advice and Consent to Mayor’s Appointments to Fill Vacancies in the Parks & Recreation Commission, Plan Commission, Board of Police commissioners, and Police Pension Fund Board (Pass)

g. Motion to Approve – Police Renovation Project: Payout #7 – Partial Payment, L.J. Morse Construction Company (Pass)

h. Motion – Board Authorization for Staff to Process Current Delinquent Water Bills in Accordance with Past Practices (Pass)

i. Proclamation – A Proclamation Declaring the Week of May 21 - 27, 2017 as National Public Works Week Within the Village of Willowbrook (Approve)

Mayor Trilla asked the Board if there were any items to be removed from the Omnibus Vote Agenda.

Motion: Made by Trustee Davi and seconded by Trustee Mistele to approve the Omnibus Vote Agenda as presented.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustees Berglund, Davi, Kelly, Mistele, Neal, And Oggerino. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Motion Declared Carried

New Business:

There was no new business presented.

Unfinished Business:

6. Ordinance – An Ordinance Approving A Rezoning From The B-3 Zoning District To The B-4 Zoning District And Granting A Special Use For A “Firing Range, Indoor”, Including Approval Of A Preliminary And Final Plat Of Subdivision And Certain Variations From The Zoning Ordinance – PC 17-01: Route 83 Frontage Road And 79th Street – The Chicago Gun Club

Mayor Trilla advised the audience that the ordinance being presented has some changes to what had been proposed at the Village Board meeting held on April 24th. The petitioner has withdrawn the 24/7 access to the facility and will have set hours; there will be no machine gun rentals; 75% of all employees and staff will be current police officer, ex-police officers, or former military; and there will be no sale or consumption of alcohol on the premises. Mayor Trilla then answered questions that had been raised by citizens at the previous Board meeting.

Mayor Trilla opened the floor up for public comments. 36 citizens approached the podium to speak. The majority of comments were against the gun range. Concerns included the same issues that were discussed during the Village Board meeting held on April 24th.

Residents that were in favor of the gun range also had similar comments as in the previous meeting.

Motion: Made by Trustee Davi and seconded by Trustee Oggerino to take a recess at 8:44 p.m.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustees Berglund, Davi, Kelly, Mistele, Neal, And Oggerino. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Motion Declared Carried

Meeting reconvened at 9:03 p.m.

Those present at roll call were Mayor Frank Trilla, Village Clerk Leroy Hansen, Trustees Sue Berglund, Umberto Davi, Terrence Kelly, Michael Mistele, Gayle Neal, and Paul Oggerino.

Absent: None

Comments continued from the public.

Mayor Trilla asked representatives from the Chicago Gun Club to answer concerns raised by the citizens. Representatives provided additional information on security measures, environmental safeguards, and noise issues.

Mayor Trilla advised that in order for the Village Board to allow discussion among the Board, the Village Board must make a motion and second to pass the ordinance.

Motion: Made by Trustee Mistele and seconded by Trustee Kelly to pass Ordinance No. 17-O-10 as presented.

Trustee Kelly asked Attorney Bastian what the process would be if the petitioner wished to add alcohol to the facility. Attorney Bastian advised that any changes to the Special Use Ordinance would have to go back through the Plan Commission process.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustees Berglund And Mistele. Nays: Trustees Davi, Kelly, Neal, And Oggerino. Absent: None.

Motion Failed

Prior Business:

7. Committee Reports

Mayor Trilla stated that there was no need for Committee Reports during tonight’s meeting.

8. Attorney’s Report

Mayor Trilla stated that there was no need for the Attorney’s Report during tonight’s meeting.

9. Clerk’s Report

Mayor Trilla stated that there was no need for the Clerk’s Report during tonight’s meeting.

10. Administrator’s Report

Mayor Trilla stated that there was no need for the Administrator’s Report during tonight’s meeting.

11. Mayor’s Report

Mayor Trilla stated that there was no need for the Mayor’s Report during tonight’s meeting.

12. Closed Session

Mayor Trilla stated that there was no need for Closed Session during tonight’s meeting.

13. Adjournment

Motion: Made by Trustee Mistele and seconded by Trustee Kelly, to adjourn the Regular Meeting at the hour of 9:57 p.m.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustees Berglund, Davi, Kelly, Mistele, Neal, And Oggerino. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Motion Declared Carried
