
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Lisle Board of Trustees met April 10.

Village of Lisle Board of Trustees met April 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Regular Meeting Opening

A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call of Attendance

C. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Village Clerk Seeden

A. Welcome Statement

Visitors are most welcome to all meetings of the Village Board. Persons wishing to discuss an item that is on the agenda may address the Board at the time that the item is being discussed; please raise your hand when the item is announced and wait to be recognized by the Mayor. It is requested that, if possible, one spokesperson for a group be appointed to present the views of the entire group. Anyone wishing to discuss a topic that is not on the preprinted agenda may address the Village Board during the Open Forum “Questions and/or Statements from the Public” segment. Speakers who are recognized are requested to step to the podium and state their name and the group they are representing prior to addressing the Village Board. There will be a 5-minute time limit per speaker.

B. Agenda and Non-Agenda Speaker Summary

C. Meeting Minutes Approval

1. Village Board Special Meeting of March 13, 2017

2. Village Board Meeting of March 20, 2017

D. Raffles

E. Meeting Announcements

Unless otherwise noted, meetings are 7:00 p.m. start and located at Village Hall.

Economic Development Commission Wednesday, April 12, 2017, 7:30 AM

Village Board Meeting Monday, April 17, 2017

Secretary of State Mobile Unit Tuesday, April 18, 2017, 10 AM – 2 PM

Lisle Flood Awareness Meeting at

Lisle Senior High School, 1800 Short Street Tuesday, April 18, 2017, 7:00 PM

III. Mayor Broda

A. Presentations/Proclamations

B. Omnibus Vote Agenda

1. Village of Lisle Voucher List of April 3, 2017 Ratification

2. Elected Official Travel Expense

3. “An Ordinance Authorizing the Disposition of Personal Property Owned by the Village of Lisle”

4. “A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Document Styled ‘Plat of Easement Vacation’ (Lots 27 and 28 Old Tavern Road)”

5. “A Resolution Granting a Preliminary/Final Plat of Subdivision for the Old Tavern Road Resubdivision (Lots 27 and 28 Old Tavern Road)”

6. “A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Addendum to the Services Agreement with Prescient Solutions and an Amendment to that Certain Intergovernmental Agreement with Lisle School District 202 for Joint Purchasing of IT Services”

C. Final Action

1. “An Ordinance Increasing the Number of Class 2.1 Liquor Licenses”

D. Public Hearing

E. Presentation

1. Science of Spirituality: 4S175 Naperville Road, 4045 Naperville Road and part of 2701 Navistar Drive – Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plat of Subdivision for Religious Institution

2. Community Residences – Zoning Text Amendments

IV. Open Forum – Questions and/or Statements from the Public Regarding non-agenda Items  – (5-minute per speaker)

V. Village Staff

A. Municipal Electric Aggregation Program Renewal Status

Consideration of a resolution authorizing NIMEC to act as energy consultant and solicit

electric bids for the renewal of the opt-out municipal electric aggregation program

VI. Village Attorney

VII. Trustees

A. Trustee Boyle

B. Trustee Carballo

1. Lee Cleaners Proclamation

2. Expert Eye Care Proclamation

3. Violeta Koralis Proclamation

C. Trustee Cawiezel

D. Trustee Hettich

E. Trustee Mandel

F. Trustee McGovern

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Reconvene Open Session

X. Possible Action on Executive Session Agenda Items
