Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock
V Glen Ellyn Pres
Number of Precincts40
Precincts Reporting40100.0 %
Vote For1
Times Counted5044/2087524.2 %
Total Votes3707
Diane McGinleyB3707100.00%
V Glen Ellyn Clerk
Number of Precincts40
Precincts Reporting40100.0 %
Vote For1
Times Counted5044/2087524.2 %
Total Votes3585
John A. ChereskinB3585100.00%
V Glen Ellyn Trt
Number of Precincts40
Precincts Reporting40100.0 %
Vote For3
Times Counted5044/2087524.2 %
Total Votes9383
William EnrightB328535.01%
Gary FasulesB304732.47%
Craig R. PrydeB305132.52%