
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Village of Willowbrook Municipal Services Committee met Feb. 13.

Board room formal(1000)

Village of Willowbrook Municipal Services Committee met Feb. 13.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Committee:


Chairman Mistele called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM.


Those present at roll call were Chairman Michael Mistele, Trustee Paul Oggerino, and Village Administrator Tim Halik. Absent: None.


a) After review of the draft minutes from the January 9, 2017 regular meeting of the Municipal Services Committee, Chairman Mistele made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Trustee Oggerino seconded the motion. Motion Carried

4. DISCUSSION –Bid Results: Village Hall 500,000 Gallon Spheroid Tank Painting and Rehabilitation Project

Administrator Halik reminded the Committee that on January 9, 2017, the Municipal Services Committee authorized staff to complete a public bid process to solicit sealed bids for the re-coating of the Village’s 500,000-gallon spheroid water tower located within the municipal campus. The advertisement for bids notice was published in the January 12th and January 16, 2017 edition of the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper. The deadline to submit completed bids was January 26, 2017 by 10:00 AM, at which time all bids were opened. Six bids were received prior to the deadline with the lowest bid submitted by Tecorp, Inc., in the amount of $505,700. Halik advised that Tecorp, Inc. is a familiar company that has successfully completed similar water tank rehabilitation projects for Crystal Lake, Arlington Heights, Matteson, New Lenox, DuPage County, Lockport, Geneva, and Calumet City. Halik further advised that the bid price received for our project of $505,700 is $290,700 lower than the engineer’s bid estimate of $796,400. Halik advised that staff recommends that the bid submitted by Tecorp, Inc. be accepted, and that this item is included on the Board’s agenda for their meeting this evening. The Committee’s recommendation was to award the project to Tecorp, Inc.

5. DISCUSSION – Professional Services for Construction Observation, Village Hall Water Tank

Painting and Rehabilitation Project – CBBEL Proposal

Administrator Halik advised the Committee that as part of the completion of the Village Hall water tank painting project, shop drawings must be reviewed by the Village Engineering Consultant and the actual work will be monitored by a part-time Resident Engineer for the full 16-week project duration. Halik advised that staff requested a proposal for professional engineering services from Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. to complete this work. CBBEL offered an estimated fee of $19,000, which is the same amount they offered in the spring of 2015 to complete the construction observation of the 67th Street tank. Halik shared that the proposal, General Terms and Conditions, and First Amendment to the General Terms and Conditions for this project have been reviewed and approved by the Village Attorney, and that this item will also be considered at tonight’s Village Board meeting. The Committee concurred with staff’s recommendation to accept the proposal from CBBEL.

6. REPORT – Police Building Expansion/Renovation, Progress Update

Administrator Halik shared with the Committee a two-page progress report on the police station construction that was prepared by Christine Keltner of Integrated Project Management, Burr Ridge. Halik highlighted areas of the report containing key accomplishments, budget tracking, schedule updates, upcoming activities, and current issues/risks for the period in which the particular report covers.

7. REPORT – Municipal Services Department

a. Administrator Halik reviewed the monthly permit activity reports for the month of January 2017. Halik advised that the Village received about $40,000 in permit revenue for the month. The total amount collected to date represents about 189% of the total budgeted amount of revenue for fiscal year 2016/17, indicating that it has been a very busy construction year.

b. Administrator Halik shared the water system pumpage report for December 2016. The report indicates that the Village pumped 26,581,000 gallons of water in the month. The total amount of water pumped so far this fiscal year is slightly below the amount that was pumped in the same time period of FY 2015/16. However, we are still on-track to reach the FY2016/17 pumpage projection of 350,000,000 gallons.

c. Administrator Halik shared the January 2017 scavenger report, and advised that the report was for informational purposes only.






Motion to adjourn was made by Chairman Mistele. Seconded by Trustee Oggerino.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM.