
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Westmont Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met March 10.

Board room formal(1000)

Village of Westmont Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met March 10.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

Chairman Kovanda called the March 10, 2017 Special meeting of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to order at 9:30 AM.

2. Roll Call

Chairman Kovanda ­ Present; Commissioner Musial ­ Present; a quorum is present.

Vacant Secretary position on Board remains unfilled.

3. Approval of Past Minutes

● November 15, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes approved

● November 18, 2016 Executive Session Minutes approved w/modification

● December 20, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes approved w/modification

● February 11, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes approved

3. Ongoing Business

● After a thorough Board review and discussion of Candidate #51’s “Conditional Offer of Employment” medical examination and psychological evaluation, Chairman Kovanda made a motion to hire Candidate #51. Commissioner Musial seconded the motion. Vote: Yes­2, No­0. Motion passed. Chief Gunther and Candidate #51 will be notified of the Boards decision.

● The Board reviewed Westmont Police Supervisors and Training Officers recommendations to promote Probationary Police Officer Kamil Broda to Patrol Officer Kamil Broda on March 21, 2017. The Board being in agreement, a motion was made by Chairman Kovanda to promote Probationary Police Officer Kamil Broda to Patrol Officer Kamil Broda on March 21, 2017. Commissioner Musial seconded the motion. Vote: Yes­2, No­0. Motion carried. Chief Gunther will be informed of the Boards decision.

4. New Business

● The Board reviewed and discussed the contents of a background investigation prepared by the Detective Division for Candidate #54. Chairman Kovanda made a motion to present Candidate #54 with a “Conditional Offer of Employment”. Commissioner Musial seconded the motion. Vote: Yes­0, No­2. Motion did not carry. The candidate will be informed that the candidate does not meet the standard to be a Westmont Police Officer.

● The Board reviewed and discussed the contents of a background investigation prepared by the Detective Division for Candidate #55. Chairman Kovanda made a motion to present Candidate #55 with a “Conditional Offer of Employment”. Commissioner Musial seconded the motion. Vote: Yes­0, No­2. Motion did not carry. The candidate will be informed that the candidate does not meet the standard to be a Westmont Police Officer.

● The Board reviewed and discussed the contents of a background investigation prepared by the Detective Division for Candidate #61. Chairman Kovanda made a motion to present Candidate #61 with a “Conditional Offer of Employment”. Commissioner Musial seconded the motion. Vote: Yes­0, No­2. Motion did not carry. The candidate will be informed that the candidate does not meet the standard to be a Westmont Police Officer.

● Chairman Kovanda made a motion to authorize payment of Invoice #00037852­00 dated 2/28/2017 from Edward Occupational Health in the amount of $1745 for medical exams of police candidates. Commissioner Musial seconded the motion. Vote: Yes­2, No­0. Motion carried. Payment is authorized.

● The Board discussed the status of Archiving Old Commission Files.

● A date of March 25, 2017 was set to for interviewing police officer candidates

5. Adjournment

There being no additional business before the Commission at this time, Commissioner Musial made the motion to adjourn and Chairman Kovanda seconded the motion. The vote was Yes ­ 2; No ­ 0; and the commission adjourned at 3:35 PM.