
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Village of Addison Building, zoning & development committee met March 27.

Village of Addison Building, Zoning & Development Committee met March 27.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Committee:

1. Call to order, roll call

2. Approval of Minutes of the March 13th, 2017 Building, Zoning & Development Committee meeting

3. Audience input regarding agenda items before the committee

4. Consideration of Ordinances to approve annexation and rezoning of 0.27 acres with variations for Vernon and Sharon Brennecke for the unincorporated address of 4N173 Addison Road to be commonly known as 691 N. Addison Road. Memorandum attached

5. Consideration of Ordinances for annexation and rezoning with certain variations for approximately 38 acres of vacant land located at the northwest corner of Army Trail Boulevard and Mill Road, as well as a Resubdivision Plat for Enclave at Mill Creek – Phase I, consisting of 21.33 acres to develop lots 1-44 as single family residential lots by Heritage Woods LLC c/o Janko Group LLC. Memorandum attached (page 29)

6. Consideration of approval for payment #3 to Copenhaver Construction of Gilberts IL in the amount of $245,124.00 for the Village Green Improvement Project; funding from account #9947-4579. 

7. Audience participation

8. Other Business, at the discretion of the Chairman

9. Executive Session if needed

10. Adjournment
